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Position:Home>Philosophy> Why has hostility towards the people who ask good Philosophy Q's become a fo

Question: Why has hostility towards the people who ask good Philosophy Q's become a form of entertainment at YA!?
Is that why so many do not bother to ask Q's about their ideas and opinions in philosophy based on their studies!? Has YA become an unsafe place to explore novel thoughts!.
(obviously I feel these things and that motivates me to ask the Q!. For sure, someone out there will get their kicks reporting me as an abuser who posts"rants"! It's harder to be authentic here!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Tell me about it!. I've given up trying to reason with people and view thumbs-down on my answers as a moron-meter!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Pretentiousness and jealousy!. From what I've seen, the number of people in the Philosophy forum who have a clue about the history of Philosophy is miniscule!. Those who do actually know something and ask relevant and interesting questions are undoubtedly considered snobs and elitists!. Hence, they are mocked!.

Here, YA really means "young adolescent"!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Nowadays, people resent being forced to think!. Philosophy questions by their very nature require that people put on their thinking caps and not only think something out but also to draw conclusions!. Perhaps even more difficult to accept is the fact that philosophy questions can challenge people's assumptions!. Take a look at presidential politics if you wish to further examine my answer!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I guess its because people are afraid!.!.!.!.they hear a radical comment or something they think is "radical" and get angry about it!. Anything new scares people!. Especially if it challenges their religious views!. People don't like to think that they might be alone out there!. Plus people basically fear change!. Any new ideas bring about change!. It's sad really that people can't accept other's differences!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I just answered a question concerning the "ethics" of public nudity!?!?!? Concerning this forum, I would say that it is highly unethical for one to turn a Q into an self serving diatribe See humility!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Sometimes wisdom comes with age
but some,( from genetics or environment),
will NEVER get far down the road reguardless
of time spent on the jorney!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

For me it is stifling because of the environment!. Hopefully this will change!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Reporter Clem will get ya, seems a bit chatty to me!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Lets define your terms!. Good Questions:
Is 'prolix' good!?
Is lack of focus good!?
Is pompous good!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

if you would show an example of what you are talking about it would sure help!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

people are jerks, deal with it, and move on to the next question bro!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'm not getting what your saying exactly!. I've never seen someone be hostile toward a philosophy Q's but i can understand if they did!. Philosophy is suppose to make you think and some people are forced to think of things they don't want to so they might lash out to the ask-er is it fair!? no people have a right to want answers and truths and if someone doesn't like it they shouldn't even bother!. however i don't think asking racist Q's or badmouthing someones
religion is acceptable and those Q's should be reported they hurt people!. PS i REALLY won't be answering anymore of your questions you are the most pompous person i ever had the misfortune of meeting NEWS FLASH you aren't the only worthy person of asking and answering questions get a clue and just because your old doesn't mean you can run off at the mouth!. I'm not surprised most of your questions get deleted your a jackass!. goodbye and good riddanceWww@QuestionHome@Com