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Position:Home>Philosophy> Can anyone recommend good 1st year undergraduate philosophy textbooks?

Question: Can anyone recommend good 1st year undergraduate philosophy textbooks!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
will really depend on what is to be taught on your course but you cant go wrong in reading Bertrand Russell's 'History of Western Philosophy'!. A J Ayer's 'language Truth and Logic' and something like the Routledge 'Encyclopedia of Philosophy' is handy to get broad overviews when you are beginning a course!. If you are in the UK, anything by the Open University would be favoured by me as it is easy to use yet rigorous
-Much better to call the department and ask for an introductory reading list as every department will teach different things in different waysWww@QuestionHome@Com

"Think" by Simon Blackburn covers most of the basics of metaphysics and epistemology, is short, and is easily approachable, but is unfortunately very biassed in favour of material reductionism and rationalist atheism (both untenable positions, in my opinion)!.

Another good place to start is "Meditations on First Philosophy" by Descartes!. (Plus, the Matrix film is a very good foil for it!.)Www@QuestionHome@Com

The Budda in your mirrorWww@QuestionHome@Com