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Position:Home>Philosophy> If you are obsessed by what other people think, then you will be imprisoned by t

Question: If you are obsessed by what other people think, then you will be imprisoned by their thoughts!?
what is your take on this quote!?
I like it but
Dont humans have an inbuilt desire to be accepted by other people!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
what other people think is unknown to you!. You probably try to guess what they think!. At the end of it, you probably is trapped by your own thoughts instead!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Feelings are facts to the person feeling them!.!.!.that is another quote that came to mind after reading this and the other comments!.

Although it is true that I can't say I know a person's thoughts I am very perceptive, miss near nothing and have a pretty good "read" on people!. I unfortunately have allowed myself to be entrapped by the thoughts/feelings/perceptions of others!.

I literally would spend enormous amounts of time gaging what it is they like and then doing it/being that!. It was absolutely exhausting and it left me feeling incomplete because I was changing so much to fit what I thought everyone wanted!.

I am much better now and work to be more in tuned with myself instead of everyone else!.

So I totally believe that quote has a semblance of truth and of course now appreciate that if you accept yourself that is all the acceptance that you need!Www@QuestionHome@Com

How can you tell what other people think!? There is an assumption that you know their thoughts and become obsessed by them, imprisoning yourself in a though web, of your own making, unless of course you do know what other people think, in which case you should ignore everything I said, and think of another question!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yeah, I beleive that full heartingly, because like you mentioned humans automatically have an inbuilt desire to be accepted, one is happy when they can have all the love they want to satisfy theirself & criminal is only a criminal because they feel rejected and ignored by society because of the lack of help and love they receive!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Acceptance is powerful!. We've all experienced it in grade school, and high school to beyond!. No one wants to purposely single themselves out!. The ones who do, do so because they feel they now have no choice!.

What we don't want to do, is allow that to imprison our minds and become obsessed by it!. It is unhealthy, and you will create a barred world and will not function properly!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

lol great quote! but only if we talk about being obsessed, everything in excess is dangerous, it can only admiration so no one gets imprisoned!.!.!. :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

I like that!! I think everyone does want to be accepted although some people want to not be accepted by their choices but they are then accepted by a different class of people, don't know if that makes sense to you but hay!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Some people turn their desires into necessities, for instance Micheal Jackson!.

But it is a fact that all people need to be accepted or they are allergic to people!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

obsession can be a form of self imprisonment/slave !.!.!.!.!.!.in this text I feel the obsession of others thoughts is the prison in the sense of paranoia!.!.!.!.still self inflicted!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com