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Position:Home>Philosophy> Why do we describe certain acts as inhuman when it seems to perfectly normal hum

Question: Why do we describe certain acts as inhuman when it seems to perfectly normal human behaviour!?
!.!.!.!.such as killing other people!. Now, I'm not saying that everyone in the world has killed someone but it happens so often, it can't really be considered something out of the ordinary!. Are we a species with a false sense of moral superiority!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Humanity and god are our inventions because we can't face the truth about our savage behaviour!. These are seen as weaknesses by sociopath,s who work in government who exploit them!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I would say that, not simply because it happens more often does not make it human,!.!.ok, let me put it this way, the fact that it happens often and all most every body has witnessed does not make it human or not inhuman at all!.

The most important thing here is not being witnessed or people getting used to it, but the moral aspect of it all!.
And also the fact that we all want to live, not forgetting the fact that no one has the right to take away someone's life!. Infact in most cases we imagine ourselves in the dead person's shoes!.so we get scared!.

also if you looked at the family left by the dead person, it really makes you feel that one who kill had no consideration, meaning that, s/he did not have the people who the dead person leaves behind in mind!.I mean the pain they will go through having lost a loved one or a bread winnner or the head of a family or spouse/companion!.

That is why we consider it as inhuman!. Alot of emotional injury is caused, some times, long term or even causes death!.

Calling it inhuman is not in anyway a false sense of moral superiority!. If someone gave birth to someone, rised up untill productive age,and assuming the person is very useful to society, then you come and simply shoot that person dead, just because you want to take over his or her wealth, do you really think that is human!?!?
Ok, supposing someone came and shot your both legs and leaves you at the middle of the road more over you have done nothing wrong and you even got robbed,just imagin, how do you rate that, remember it does happen!.
Thanks for askingWww@QuestionHome@Com

Human behavour is seen as being kind and good, not as being especially benefical!.

Human behavour is also seen as making small mistakes that may result in some other people suffering, but not in making wrong decisions that affect large parts of the community!.

Thus inhuman behavour is when something gets done that is exceptionally good or exceptionally bad!.

Killing people even if they are one's enemy is regarded as inhuman, but when it is a case of kill or be killed (in private combat) there is no real alternative unless one is self-defeatist by nature!. In war this situation is extended to all of the enemy, who are no longer seen as being human and are therefore capable of recieving inhuman treatment without ethical considerations having to be applied!. This does not make us hypocritical not having the need to be morally superior in order to justify our acts!.

A soldier who kills an enemy is not expected to act in a human way and it is with difficulty that he can be classified as being human anyway!. So killing is not "perfectly normal" and thou shalt not applies!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Killing is not a natural human trait!. Anger is caused by a sense of injustice!. Anger in humans is rationalised and appeased prior to giving vent!. When you kill, the victim of your ire leaves behind mourners who wail and cause undue turbulence in energy focused upon the murderer!.

The anger is transferred to the victim’s family, who then harbour anger and hate towards the perpetrator!. The whole scenario increases hateful energy disproportionate to the initial act!. It is human to forgive or ensure you have tied up loose ends!. I Jest!.

**Example, if God had destroyed his progeny in the stead of casting out and into the hands of his enemies, he would live a peaceful life today!. But he did not!. Momentary remorse is infinitely preferable to centuries of the original sins being played our and the inability to put the evil our of its misery!.**Www@QuestionHome@Com

People fail to recognize the animal behaviors human still exhibit even at the stage of evolution!. The brain is nothing more than the old animal brain with the frontal cortex added on!. Dr!. David R!. Hawkins explains that the problem is that there isn't an off switch to keep one from influencing the other, such as the intellect influencing primitive animal drives and instincts and the old brains tendency to input fear or aggression into logic!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

it is a behavior! where did it stem from!?!? fear!? guilt!? ect!.!.!. it's a choice one makes at the same time! Human behaviour has a brain! think first!
I do think killing isn't of the ordinary i mean hippos kill their young do to competition!.!.
Humans to the same but i think it's more instent then behavior!
if that makes sence!Www@QuestionHome@Com

inhumane does not refer to normality or regularity!. It refers to conscience, morals and instinct!.

for example say the government said that every month everyone was allowed to kill someone!. would it overtime turn into a humane act just because it happens so often!? Dont think so!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If you kill/murder someone, you are mentally unstable!. It is not in our human nature to kill our own kind!. When you talk about war however, thats more a political stance with forced combat through hatred, and not a natural human decision!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

So how else are you going to describe it!?
We dont have any other criteria by which to judge it - so we call it inhuman to intimate it isnt something a human should do!.
Kind of simple really!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

yes - in terms of animals - good way of thinking out of the box

however, we live in groups (like bees and lions!) and need to protect our own clans for the purpose of dna existing!Www@QuestionHome@Com

our species dont work together because we are so powerful our own enemy is our own race!. An ant wouldnt kill another ant in their gang!. They fight for survival from other species together, we dont have to do thisWww@QuestionHome@Com