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Position:Home>Philosophy> Why should mere laziness be considered any sin? It may harm oneself, but does it

Question: Why should mere laziness be considered any sin!? It may harm oneself, but does it intend any harm to others!?
I would appreciate answers based on logic rather than parrot-like quotes from the Bible or other Scriptures!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Good question!

Laziness could be considered a sin because of one's act of omission!. As normal human beings, we ought to move on with our lives and not rely our life to other people!. It is expected from us as natural beings to act for we have all the faculties to do it!. Indisposed to exertion is a manifestation of weakness and doesn't bring strength to move on with one's life!.

It harms oneself as it also harms others!. Being lazy may be contagious instead of of putting the body into action!. It is a negative act that allows negative energy!. You cannot expect from a lazy person a positive life!. I see it personally as a small step to death!.

Thanks for asking!. Have a great day!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Because though you may not *intend* on hurting someone your laziness could still cause harm to others!.
It isn't just laziness either!. Many things done or not done, can cause harm to other even though you do not intend to!. Just because you didn't intend to harm, doesn't make the harm any less of a "sin" (not sure if that's the correct word there)!. Hurting someone is hurting them no matter if you intended it or not!. The pain isn't felt any less if you didn't intend to do the hurting!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It may not pose any harm to others now, but a laziness in a society can cause a great harm to everyone!. People in this country are getting lazier and lazier, depending more on the government for everything!. One day there will be more people depending on the government than the amount of people supporting it financially!. Where will the support come from then!? Another country that hasn't a lazy society, but very different values and beliefs they will come here and control us and we will be subject to their rule!. That is what the sin in being lazy is!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

'Sin' can broadly be defined as anything which corrupts your character and self-control!. As I once heard it, the more you resist the small temptations, the easier it will be to resist the tougher ones!. So the more you sit on your tush, the harder it will be to get up!.

Another explanation may be to reverse the causal arrow and suggest that laziness is a only symptom of something truly harmful!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Unless you are living homeless in the street not begging for money for food, then yes you would be harming no one but yourself!. But since that is really impossible, you become a burden to others, and to society to have to take care of you!. It is impossible for a person's laziness to not affect others!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

because you as a human have a job here on earth to keep humans alive and the over all well being of your city or town or area! you are not helping it by sitting down minding your business!. if your not helping then your hurting! to me that is pain! someone else picking up your slack! because you can get up!

sorry not relgious! so this is just my thoughts! Maybe i should get my butt off the chair and stop being lazy myself! as a community as the big photograph of earth not just me! i think i might be able to think about that sacerfice!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well this isn't a quote from the bible, but sin is a religion thing so Ill tell you my opinion!.

God wants us to take care of our bodies!. They are his bodies!. Being lazy is not taking care of your body!.!.!. sitting all day and eating chips on the couch!. Your body needs exercise!. Being lazy will eventually just make you all depressed and then your body is not happy!. You have to take care of yourself!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I would say Laziness affects others because:
Imagine if everyone was lazy, there would be no doctors, there would be no police, the world would not asspire to be anything!. If people were too lazy they wouldn't help themselves, which means it would hinder other people as they would be forced to help them!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I was once told by a wise man that there are two types of lazy good lazy and bad lazy!. The lazy you talk of is actualy stupidity the bad lazy!. The good lazy wise old man talked of is actualy smarts!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Laziness assumes that the energy of someone else will provide for the lazy person!. Surely it's obvious why THAT isn't fair!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

But it does affect others!.!.!.

It spreads!.!.!.They're not doing it, why should I!?

Stamp it out!

I'd do something about it myself - but I can't be bothered!.!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Said who!?!?Www@QuestionHome@Com