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Position:Home>Philosophy> Do you think that some wise persons are not as wise as they think they are?

Question: Do you think that some wise persons are not as wise as they think they are!?
Because if you rest on your laurels others will overtake you!?
So, do you think that you are very wise!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
No one is impervious to defeat!. In this world we live in we need to constantly become more intelligent and knowledgeable to survive!. We need to know how to influence people to like us using our charms wit and intellect and also know how to prevent
new opponents from usurping our positions!. This is why we need to be protective of our friends and well-grounded!. This saying is as relevant today as it was in ancient Greece because even the simplest of peoples have things they will fight to protect!. We all have things in our lives that we must protect!. If we are not aware that we need to protect them we will realize we should have done so when they have gone and when we are alone!.

the wisest people have come through the harshest times, they are wise because they have found ALTERNATIVE ways to survive when everything that gave them life was taken!. True wisdom comes about when we suffer immensly and find it hard to live!. We will hold onto this knowledge forever but we can become very slothful when everything seems to be okay and then someone steals your friends and meaning from your life without your knowing how it even happened!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

A truly wise person will know the limitations of his wisdom!.

Wisdom is not something you can actively acquire but rather a result of experiencing scenarios and situations!. But even then, experience is not a necessity because a very empathic person can exhibit great wisdom without personally experiencing the situation himself!. I don't think it's a question of being "overtaken" because there is no way to measure wisdom!.

I don't think I am particularly wise, I just try to do the best I can!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Smart is not the same as wise!. Wisdom comes from experiences, yours and others, and the ability to weave a thread through them that connects them in a way that provides insight and enlightenment!.

it is imparted not through fear or force!.

many people have inflated egos, but i suppose an equal number don't realize the value of their wisdom and knowledge!. most who think they are brilliant and broadcast it are really just insecure!.

I think I am fairly wise becasue i have lived for almost 50 years and have paid attention to things in general!.

One of the best things about getting older is getting wiser!. Its natures way of making up for some of the not so grat aspects of getting older!Www@QuestionHome@Com

A wise man is only as wise as his experience!. School teachers, professors etc, haven't got life experience!. They finished school, went to college and went back to school to teach others!. Where is the wisdom of life experience!? A man who has failed, lost, and rebounded is wiser than all the so called philosophers combined!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

That wouldn't be very wise of them!. =P

I guess I'll bite on the personal question while I'm on such a "roll" as Yahoo calls it!. I'm not wise!. I'm basically a hothead in a wise man's clothing, and luckily I'm perceptive enough to know it!.

Alice in Wonderbra mentioned Socrates as an example of humility in wisdom, which to me raises a more interesting question: where does Socrates really place on that scale!? Of course he expressed that he didn't know anything, yet in the Apology, the dialogue most verbally consistent with that theme, Plato shows some fairly arrogant behavior by Socrates!. Anyway, just a tangent!. Like Socrates, I'm sure we'll never know!. :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

What has the wise and principled to fear from would be contenders striving to dons its mantle!. They can only be wiser and more loving!.!.!. how can the wise and loving be considered adversarial!.!.!.!?

Those who fear are already dead, they who strive for that which is another’s are outdone by their own ilk!. It is preferable then to be true to oneself, a solar spectra, a singular entity reliant or dependent upon none!.

I am wayward, self destructive and narcissistic!. The sword of morality and righteousness in the capture of the enemy, if not blunted is wasted!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think I'm a stupid person who's trying to learn to be wise, and sometimes i achieve it and then I don't, and then i do, and then i don't etc !. !. !. !.
But mostly I'm pretty stupid really!.
And most of the wise people I know are too!.
The ones you gotta watch are the pretenders!.
(hey what's the "others will over take you ' bit!? that's like comparing apples and nuts isn't it!?)
I mean everyone's not perfect all the time and so why be in a race to win all the time!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well! I would explain this golden fact in another way!.
Some wise men are not as wise as they think they are because they are over-wise!.
yes, as excess of everything is bad so this excessive intelligence results in making them look like fools in others eyes!.
As far as I am concerned I think i am a little wise but still a long way to go before becoming a fool!.

I am continuously learning and changing my opinions and views th more i learn!. I think anyone who thinks they are wise, are not as wise as they think they are (including myself)!. Because you are only as wise as your experience/knowledge has allowed you to be, but it is continuous and ever-changing so a true wise man will never call himself wise!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think we are all not as wise as we like to think we are!.

Somebody is always going to come along to turn a theory right on it's head and prove that we were wrong!.

It is impossible to know everything and the best we can hope for is to find our personal wisdom at a level that feels comfortable for us!.

No I am not wise but always looking to increase my wisdom through experience and interaction with other people learning from what each has to teach!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

A really wise person, is never aware of his wisdom!.!.!.!.!.

A wise person is humble, simple and always looking for Knowledge since a real wise person is always aware of his being small and ignorant when it comes to real Knowledge!.

As Socrates said " I Only know One thing : I know Nothing! "Www@QuestionHome@Com

Wise persons do not take part in rat-race! At least that is my perception!. All they seek is knowledge!.!.!.from any and every source!. They are occupied with this pursuit irrespective of who went ahead or why!.

Me!? Wise!? No way! I am just too laid back!. I just like watching people run past me!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

in my opinion!.!.!. no one is "wise"
being "wise" would mean having knowledge on ALL subjects
some may be "wise" over things such as!.!.!.fishing but no one is "wise" just for the sake of it
listen to the song Admit it!!! by Say Anything!.!.
it defines human nature as a wholeWww@QuestionHome@Com

Please read the proverb :-
"We do not know that we do not know"!.
A wise man knows about his ignorance!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If you rest on your laurels you wind up in a bed of moldy laurels!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

There is always someone better then someone else at something so yes!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

wise is relativeWww@QuestionHome@Com

my theory is that no-one is smarter than any one they've just experienced different things!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

three wise men lolWww@QuestionHome@Com

in some cases you maybe!.!.!.!.!.!.!.because nobody is perfect!.!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com