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Question: Why do we have 2 die!?
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Not a subject that is pleasant to talk about is it!. Seems we put so much into talking about death, we actually don't know how to live life!.

Death then is the hard master that teaches us that life is so worth living!. But like all things in the material world, they come to an end, seemingly!. However, could it be that which we call death is actually the doorway to a better understanding of the true being of the self and the universe and beyond!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Actually, I have read things about how our DNA cannot keep going infinitely so it starts breaking down resulting in breakdown of other parts of our bodies and then we die!.

Less scientific is the fact that if we didn't die the world would be immensely more over-populated than it already is!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's a transition!.

Science calls it entropy, and suggests that it is a fundamental aspect of the nature of the universe; but that doesn't answer "why"!.

The only answers to "why" questions come from religions, most which say that death is necessary to separate what is good about us from what is bad!. Some also say that this life is simply a trial, and that death is the precursor to a final verdict!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

because if no body died, there wouldn't be a single square centimeter of room to move!. can you imagine, if every single person in history were still alive!?

and every "bad" person would still be around and the world would be a war zone!. a war zone with no room to move!.

plus we would get really Bord and tired of the world!.

maybe we can just have longer lives!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

the dualistic nature of our ilusory perception of existence requires that everything has a beginning and has an end!.

But this is just the way it appears, the truth of the situation is far more subtle!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Because otherwise the world would become over populated and there would be not enough food etc to go round!. And if everyone lived forever, Hitler and the like would still be round!. Not fun!. Not much point in war if we dont die, is there!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

We get tired!.

"The Path of the Higher Self," Mark Prophet,
"Testimony of Light," Helen Greaves,
"The Reincarnation of Edgar Cayce!?", Free and Wilcock, http://www!.divinecosmos!.com
"The Great Divorce," C!. S!. Lewis!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You know why!.!.!.your just afraid of it!.!.!.!.the real question is what is fear and what to do with it!. When you figure that out then you'll admit to yourself why we dieWww@QuestionHome@Com

cause we ve had our chances baby!.!.!.we need to live and work on many things in order to reach light!.!.!.

make our circles and if we succeed we die!.!.!.anyway

its nature of God!.!.!.!.birth,life,death!.!.!.in everything!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

because our existence is subjected to the physical laws governing this worldWww@QuestionHome@Com


Why would we not have to die!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

because nothing in this world is permanent!. life goes on and things change fast through time!. that's reality!.

no one really knows what will happen to us after life!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

to go to HEAVEN <3Www@QuestionHome@Com