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Position:Home>Philosophy> How do you get back the sweet flavor of life?

Question: How do you get back the sweet flavor of life!?
What if your jobs a headache, you worry about work and school because you need school to get a better job, and are basically a tired homebody because you don't have time to sleep!? How do find that piece of mind!? Will this worry and exhausting fatigue sour the rest of my experiences!? Your thoughts!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Great question, and one of my favorites!. I'll tell you what I've done (so far it's worked well, but it's ever a work in progress, sometimes more successful than others)!. I used to be a real pessimist!. The sarcastic jerk that's always got something to say to knock a person or an idea down!. It's not really that I was mean-spirited!. I'd like to think I was always good at the core, but life frustrated me!. I often felt trapped and didn't know how to get back on track!.

My salvation lately has been the realization that it's all mental!. We can't always choose what happens, but we can choose how we react to it!. It's not easy at times, but it's important to realize we always have the power to determine our own outlook on life!. If I decide that I'm going to feel phenomenal tomorrow, and happy to be alive, I will!. If I decide in advance it's going to be a miserable day, and I won't get anything worthwhile accomplished, I won't!. The mind is an absolutely amazing tool!.

My own favorite tool as of late has been, as you put it, a mode of thinking that's allowed me to recapture this "sweet flavor!." I thought to myself one day, why it was that I, as many children tend to be, was so happy as a child, and so eager to live!. It occurred to me it's because I had no preconceptions of what things would be!. It was the simple gift of a child's mind!. I didn't expect, I didn't know, and I certainly didn't take things for granted!. Every moment was a new discovery and I saw life for the infinite miracle that it was!. I could stare at an insect on a blade of grass for hours (literally) and be fascinated!. I could watch the sun shine through the fluttering leaves of a tree and be awestruck!.

As I see it, the problem becomes that we start to lose this sense of wonderment, and the appreciation of simple pleasures as we grow older!. Some of this is inevitably due to the fact that our minds become more complex!. Perhaps a yo-yo isn't quite as amusing as it once was!. Still, I try, as much as possible, to shrug off the hardened callouses that encapsulate our soul over time, that make us bitter or resentful, and see things as I once did!. I remind myself that the waves crashing on the shore are as awesome as they were the first time I saw them, and felt the mist!. The sun setting is just as prolific and breathtaking!. Other people, speaking, talking, playing with them, is just as curious and enthralling now as it ever was!. Certain things are worn dull through frequent exposure, and we must polish them again in our minds, and recapture what we lost!. Next time you're sitting, eating a really great ice-cream cone on a hot day, remind yourself that it's just as much fun as it was when you were 5, and enjoy that moment!. When I'm able to do this, the sweet life is mine again!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

2 thoughts that are from different schools

1st: you don't have proper goals that you are working towards because if you were you would feel successful and not so exhausted and in a rut

2nd: many more spiritual teachings would say that your going against the flow that life has set out for you, this would drain you of your energy!.

To put those together Stephen covey would say that your not aligned with your goals!.

also try spending a day living purely for others!.!.!.!.!.would be funny if the more we try to help ourselves get out of a rut the more we get in it and the more we help others get out!.!.!.the more we get out ourselvesWww@QuestionHome@Com

These are age old Questions!.Some people go to fortune tellers or phsycics for answers to the future!.Is the world going to explode into fire!?Is Global warming a reality or just a stunt by the greenies to get political clout!?Will the war in Iraq end in peace!?These are all important questions we would like answers to!.Unfortunately for all of us the only sure thing is death!.Kings die, Queens die!. I will die and you will die!.The most important question we all need to ensure we can answer correctly before we die is this;will God meet you with open arms or will you be rejected because you rejected his Christ!.We have all sinned and rejected Gods plan for our lives!.The bible tells us That the penalty for sin is death,but the gift of God is eternal life!.Jesus died so that you may be forgiven of your sins!.If you will accept Jesus as your saviour say this prayer:Dear Father God,thank you for your son Jesus,Thank you that he died in my place!.I pray that you will forgive me of my sins and I accept your son as my personal savior, and I will try to live as you would like me to amen!.If you prayed this prayer I would like to encourage you in the decision you have made for Jesus!.Well done!.If you haven’t made a decision for Jesus and would like to know more please call me on

e-mail theway1970@yahoo!.comWww@QuestionHome@Com

there is no THE sweet flavor of life!.
well, to me those headaches and worries are pretty sweet(personally!)!. and those are the things that make me feel alive and give me reason to struggleWww@QuestionHome@Com

I watch and meditate over my pets!. No money, no expectations, no development issues - education, and then I see that sweetness in their lives, this makes me peace full!.Www@QuestionHome@Com