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Position:Home>Philosophy> If u could go back in time 2 tell the founding fathers of America 1 thing, what

Question: If u could go back in time 2 tell the founding fathers of America 1 thing, what would u tell or warn them of!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
" Stipulate as a primary clause in the Constitution, that should never be repealed, eradicated, or otherwise that: Any Government Official that works Directly or Indirectly for the President, including the President and His Cabinet, that there Salaries should never exceed what the general average of the middle-class man or woman makes in any one given present year"

1) Doing so would encourage those who choose to get into politics don't do so for financial-gains and notoriety, but to genuinely serve us the public(we the people) and genuinely look out for our best-interests in all things, not just the interests of the "King of the U!.S" (a!.k!.a the president)

2) Granted there are elected officials that aren't self-serving and do have 'The-People's' best interest at heart, but they are few and far between!.!.!.

3) It seems Ironic to me that the people who have had the greatest qualitative impact on my life haven't been millionares and those of the upper-class, but High-School teachers that are still, after a decade or so, still making a yearly salary that qulifies them at or below the Povery Line!.!.!.

4) Most the founding-father's risked bankruptcy from using their meager-resources, some less then others, to help and genuinely put a Government together that had, and I hope still retains the Capacity for so much good, first here at home, then abroad!.!.!.

5) We need to stop rewarding incompetence, with 'Yes' men to the President's demands and wishes, and those of both houses along with the Supreme-Court even; if such officials need and require a High-Class salary then they should immediately apply in something more-capitalistic and financially competive, I hear Bill Gates old job is or was open!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

That laws should have to apply to all citizens equally, instead of what we have: with all those that are not lawyers accountable to law, and lawyers accountable to their own set of private standards being 'Rules of Disciplinary Procedure', that keep lawyers crimes "private" and without the same punishments!. also, help the taxpayers and the working class to prevent how it works in the "civil" courts today- with the wealthy having access to courts, and the common man without cash to pay lawyers retainers, forgotten victims in situations that fall under civil law and not criminal- like the crimes in the Probate courts!.!.!.when you are middle class, you have very little chance for justice although had a stranger embezzed your bank accounts, then it would be criminal! But the help for victims in our courts without money to hire a lawyer, is no where to be found -unless you are indigent, or a criminal!. I had blind faith in our "justice" system, until I learned that even a Will cannot protect the heirs, if there is someone that has possession of the deceased's bank info, and has the cash to hire lawyers!. Would those Founding Fathers approved of laws that allow one of these lawyers having a federal felony conviction for conspiracy and securities fraud in one state, practice law in another state, and after somehow serving the sentence of "house arrest"( that clearly that did not keep him confined to a house 24/7, as he was here swindling ME), the other state where he was "convicted" has given him back his law license, since he said he was "sorry & really didn't know he was doing anything illegal, and he stopped these acts as soon as he found out" and the Bar ruled the crime did not involve 'moral turpitude'!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.
See any other licensed professionals in any other practice pull this off!? ( & keep it from public knowledge!?!?!?) The crimes this man has done to me pervert all I believed to be so noble and honorable in America!. The street gangs are all over the news, and their crimes are no worse!. I actually see them differently now, because when the gangs approach me on the street, I at least can see what is coming at me!.With the lawyer I had no such warning!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Do not presume to live as if this nation is yours, it is not, it is borrowed from future generation's, you are it's custodians for those generations, to come, take care to neither allow it, to be taken from your hands or given to those who do not share the future interest of those, of your children, to come, it is their inheritance, and is not yours to give to others!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I would have them change "Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness" back to the original John Locke quote "Life, liberty & PROPERTY" as the essential rights required for true freedom!.

What the hell is 'the pursuit of happiness' anyway!? They cop'd out on that one!.

And if I had two!? Make the 2nd amendment so clear that even liberals could understand it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i would let them know that their original idea of having a REPUBLIC got really misconstrued somehow and it turned into a democrace: a form of government that is in and of itself idealistic and temporary!. I'd let them know that they should probably make their wishes of a republic a little clearer!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'd tell them to make sure to write explicitly into the text of the Constitution that they mean for the meaning of certain clauses to change with time, so people could really see what a laughing stock Justice Scalia is!.


that big business, greed, power, and this thing called oil, ( I would call it "Black Blood of the Earth" ), will be the ruin of our nation and our society as a whole!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'd tell them that society is going to change over time and that the needs of colonial americans will differ than the needs of Americans in 300 years!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The later overemphasis on the power of the Judiciary!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Don't allow slavery!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Micheal Jackson!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

drop the freemasonry crap!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

thanks for nu-thing!?!.Www@QuestionHome@Com