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Position:Home>Philosophy> Do you think that your life is well acted in keeping up appearances?

Question: Do you think that your life is well acted in keeping up appearances!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Sometimes i find it necessary in order to be kind to others!.

but as for appearances of myself, i try to be honest in how i appear!.

I prefer to try and be as i wish to appear and appear as i am!.

I don't mind that my flaws would be exposed!. we all have flaws!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I am opposed to the idea of 'appearances!.' I just want to be myself!. I don't care to appear to be anything!.

Act your 'role' in life means : Live your life as best you can!.
I always try to do it - to take the best out of me, and to make the best out of life!.

I am indebted to my teachers for having guided me well to live my life as fruitfully as I can!.

Glory be to dedicated teachers who in addition to teaching their subjects well, help their students to learn and use the art of Positive Thinking !Www@QuestionHome@Com


Exposure in life brings confidence!. It develops the character of a person!. It makes you a well-rounded person by dealing life with others!. Integrating and cooperating among peers contributes to growth development!. Be exposed on daily lives on different fields of endeavour!. This molds a person to be better!.

Thanks for asking!. Have a great day!Www@QuestionHome@Com

'Well acted in keeping up appearances'!?

Well, I do know that acting is essential sometimes!. And then in polite society it is euphemistically called Good Manners or Etiquette!.!.!.like acting sober is an absolute must while attending, say, someone's funeral, even while inwards you feel relieved!. You can't dance with joy there, could you!.!.!.for appearance sake!?!?!?

I could really go on!.!.!.but then!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't care to keep up appearances!. Why!? For whom!? I gave that up a long time ago!. I am, who I am!. People come and go, friends come and go, sometimes even family can come and go!. I, I will be at my side forever more!. So I love myself!. Accept myself for where I am and who I am in this moment!. Always changing, always growing, always learning!. I just try to be the best I can me for me and my spiritual growth!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes!. We are taught to polish our appearances right from the young age!. That's the reason there are 'finishing schools' for Young ladies!. Acting is supposed to be for the larger good of society!. To maintain semblance of peace and amity!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes From childhood we are taught to wear a mask By the time we become adults the mask is set firmly !.It is impossible to peel it off even if we know it is the source of all our problemsWww@QuestionHome@Com

good question!.!.!.!.

i try every day to be my self no matter what they say

sometimes i put my mask on and i act good!.!.!.i have to do that in order to keep my job

but generally i dont act i am my selfWww@QuestionHome@Com

Nope!. I'm a terrible actor!.Www@QuestionHome@Com
