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Position:Home>Philosophy> Can anyone give me any advice on how to open my third eye?

Question: Can anyone give me any advice on how to open my third eye!?
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I don`t mean this as a joke or anything, but start off by opening your first two!.
What people refer to, imo, when they talk about the third eye,
consciousness, and other such names, is contact with the inner or higher self, sometimes referred to as soul!.
Without getting lost in an ocean of words, it is that simple!.
What stops us from doing that naturally is our programming!.
The man Jesus said, Be ye as little children, or in other words, drop the programming so you can be like the little child you once were, because then you were connected to source or your inner self!. In that state we have access to all knowledge, past present, and future!. Could come in handy!.
Best of all we then know what it is that we (our totality) desires and expect!. Cheers!Www@QuestionHome@Com

This takes years of genuine effort!. It is important that the mind must be silent in order for this to occur!. This allows attention to develop into consciousness which develops into awareness!.

In order to develop attention it is necessary to divide it into two!. This is the beginning stages of meditation!. What attention is on, is not important, it can be the body, a sound etc!. Let's say it is a flower!. There is attention on the flower and that attention is divided and pointed towards the source of attention at the same time, you (Only define yourself as the source of the attention)!. All thoughts about the flower are discarded as they are only the mind reacting as a result of being stimulated by the flower, trying to take the space of conscious awareness!.

Upon doing this you enter the 'I am' state of now!. With consistent efforts a change in consciousness will occur!. It can take anywhere from 3 to 40 years!. (Hafiz needed 44 years) I have not heard of any cases of it taking less than 3 years!. But as time is an illusion to the third eye, it doesn't really matter!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's impossible!. There is no third eye!. One can have a very intense feeling of connection with the rest of the world, and this is feasable!. However, there is no psychic connection with things; only the way you react with people and how you treat the world you wish to connect with matters!. Worry less about opening your third eye and focus your concern more on using the actual abilities you already have and just!.!.!. act!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Pinch the forefinger and thumb of each hand together and bring them together to form a pinhole about 18 inches in front of your face!.

Hold the position of the pinhole relative to your face and move your head!.

Watch the colour in the pin hole flicker as you move!.

That's a pixel in the movie screen of your life!.

As you move your head think of billions of such pixels each changing colour to create the impression of the world you are perceiving!.

Now get rid of the idea of pixels and make your movie screen one continuous, infinite, undivided vibrant field of colour - a "lake of fire"!. Do you see it!?

Congratulations, welcome to Hell !!!

The book "On Having No Head" is also a good place to start!.


Contact the Self Realization Fellowship in California, by phone!. Ask about their lessons that Paramahansa Yogananda wrote!. You'll find their number on the Internet!.

You can also look into some of the books published by the Yogi Publication Society, written by Ramacharaka, Panchadasi, and Vishita!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Close both eyes first and then start seeing world through the ideas and thoughts from yourself or others!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Close your eyes and meditate, it will help to open your third eye!.Www@QuestionHome@Com