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Position:Home>Philosophy> Do you consider any other human being superior to you?

Question: Do you consider any other human being superior to you!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
People can be superior only in Social rank!.
There are people richer than me, more educated, having Authority, being famous etc!.etc!.!.!.!. But, considering human nature, we are all one, we are all the same!. We all hurt and rejoice the same way, we have the same senses, the same feelings!.!.!. We all die of old age or illness!.!.!.!.
No human being is superior to another!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I have found the supreme and superior souls are also they who are the greater supplicated to the highest power!. And invariably the rabble with its demands for equality remains as inconsequential and lowly as they perceive their fellow mankind to be!.

There are persons greater in patience and adherence, and there are other inferior in the hypocrisy and false accreditation!.

I anger, I see about me angrier volatile beings and here also are the peacemakers!. I prefer the peacemakers and the volitient to the mundane mediocrity much needful of laud but neither peaceable or with fidelity sufficient to be an adherent to any cause!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i don't consider any human superior to me nor me superior to any human, though many humans are better than me at some things, and better suited for some things!. and i am the same compared to others just as it is for everybody!.

i like what Wu Dao Long said too, beautiful philosophy!. promotes a beautiful society i find!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes!. I consider myself inferior to a lot of people!. I don't know a lot of their names, since they're not famous, but I'll name a few of the more famous ones:

Aristotle, Galileo, Spinoza, Plato, Newton, and Leibnitz!. I worship anyone who can independently "derive" calculus!.


There are literally millions of people out there superior to me!.
But that does not make the task of achieving my own goals any easier so ultimately we are all pilgrims in this life, no one can walk life's journey in our stead so we must all do it ourselves, even the most exalted of us!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

no, not that im claiming that im the most superior , its just that there is no way to measure the superiority if all the human tendencies are to be realized---when they cannot even be realized!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

there's a philosophical and theological tradition that one should consider every other human being as superior (read more important) to yourself!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

yes because we are all guilty of trying to show our experiences as more valide than the next!.!.!.no ones superior to anyone but we all try to show we are!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

by superior you mean more important!?
i do!.!. i shouldn't but i do!.
people that do more important things,
people who are more valuable!.!.

kinda yeah sometimes i feel that way but really deep down i know there not but i feel like it sometimes like i am not good enoughWww@QuestionHome@Com

No one is better than me and I am no better than anyoneWww@QuestionHome@Com