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Position:Home>Philosophy> In your opinion what are the bigge

Question: In your opinion what are the biggest/controversial/difficul!.!.!. questions philosophers try to answer!?!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Why is there something, instead of nothing!?
Is there a God!?
If there is a God, what does He want!?
How do we apprehend reality!?
Is there anything outside of oneself!?
What is truth!?
What is good!?
What is one's obligation to others!?
Can we become something greater than what we are now!?
What is the source of evil!?
Is reality a duality of good and evil, a monistic whole apprehended as opposing forces, a continuum, or something else!?
If there is an omnipotent and omniscient God, why does evil exist!?
If there is an omnipotent, omniscient God, is He not necessarily the conscious and intentional creator and selecter of evil!?
If there is an omnipotent, omniscient God, why do we believe that out actions are of any interest to Him!?
Why are physical laws constant in all times and places!?
Are physical laws constant in all times and places, or do we just perceive them in that way!?
Is there any other mature consciousness in the Universe, or are we alone!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

the hardest questions that I see are those of ethics and values!. is it truly okay to steal bread to feed one's starving family!? if so, is it okay to steal a bottle of cheap wine from a rich man who's stepped on little guys to obtain his status for one's family!? expensive wine!? an xbox!?
ethics, unless you're a staunch absolute believer that absolutes exist and that you have them, has no clearly definable lines at all!. are we all supposed to look after ourselves only, or do we have responsibility somewhere!? what do i owe the people around me!? what about the people in third world countries; do i owe them anything!? do i owe anything to the environment!? do i have a right, or even an imperative to destroy anyone who would destroy the environment!? at what point am i allowed to take life, and to what degree must i preserve it!?
abortion and gay marriage ultimately reduce to philosophy (although the latter of those tends to be more militant religion versus sensible people, but religion is a philosophy too mind you)!.
those are definitely the biggest issues i know of though!. don't fret if you feel yourself changing your viewpoint about them daily :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

In my opinion, most philosophical questions are really controversial because most questions threaten our comfort in our set of ideas, especially concerning political theories, money, morals, God, ethics, our state of being, creation, and whether or not there is in fact meaning!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Philosiphers such as Aristotle and Plato we're concerned with the creation of life!. Which leads to the question of the creation of the earth!. Which leads to the Question of the creation of God, (whom is created by humans!)!. And then leads to the Creation of the Universe!.
Nothing comes from Nothing! What created the universe!!?! What are we floating in!?
But hey, wisest is she who knows she knows nothing at all right!? ;)Www@QuestionHome@Com

any about God or how we came to be!.!.!. Where did God come from (who made God!.!.!.!?) Why would God's son have to do anything (die for sins, if he's God's son - why couldn't he forgive us and help us be better, instead of being crucified - and how is that going to help any of us!? I can't believe a man was tortured to death thousands of years ago for me - as if he thought my name during the torture!. No one would believe that if they first heard the story as an educated adult!.!.!. and Americans make fun of Hindu's - ha! The Bible has some "hard to swallow" stories - unless you're a whale!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Four hundred years of Western philosophy can be boiled down to answering the following question: What is reality and what can we know of it!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Religious meanings, Political values, Military need, social justice, secularism, time, eternity, space,Www@QuestionHome@Com

Anything pertaining or alluding to religion!. People are really easily offended when religion comes into play!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

okay surpised nobody putthis in yet but the meaning of life

and if there is a god those are the 2 major onesWww@QuestionHome@Com

why philosophy!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

why do I experience!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

does god existWww@QuestionHome@Com