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Position:Home>Philosophy> Why are individuals smart, but people are stupid?

Question: Why are individuals smart, but people are stupid!?
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it could partially be division of labor!. generally, one person knows alot about one or two things, and some general stuff!. so like their job, field or whatever, and a hobby, and some general stuff that everybody learns the same at school!.

but nobody knows the whole big picture, so as a giant unit, we are not communicating together and are kind of a bunch of clueless parts only focussing on our piece of the puzzle without direction as a whole!. even our government is this way because of the democratic system!. instead of the government being the big picture it is the product of the sum of the miscommunicating parts all looking for their own interest in their own field and circumstance!.

i often imagine an assembly line of people in their own cubicle doing their own job, but what none of them realize is that what will come out at the end of the assembly line is a bomb that will destroy them all!.

but also stuff like peer pressure conformity media and stuff!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

This is a little round-a-bout but bear with me!.

When ever a leader type person gets in with a big group of follower type people that group will follow/believe/agree with whatever that "leader" says!.

The bigger, more powerful the "leader" is the bigger his "pack" will be!. When several leaders agree on one thing then pack size increases to massive proportions!.

Wandering back to the original question, if you meet a group of people who are following a leader different than yours, (if you have one at all) you will see that group as misguided and stupid!.

However, if you can isolate one of them and have a chance to converse you will find things in common/leaders you both share!.

People only seem dumb because you see many people as one, and can't possible talk to all of them!.

It's a little round-a-bout but I hope that helps!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

look at a group of girls!.!.!.
alone we're nice enough, but us together and we'll ***** out anyone in a 10 mile radias if it comes down to it!.
or dogs!. 1 dog can't get in a fight!.!.!. throw in another one and they'll fight over who owns what or whatever!.
people are all like that!. like it or not!.
but it is true that united we stand, divided we fall!. we need each other, and we're all in this together!.

and you have a freaky name!. i had a nightmare about elmo when i was little!. that he pulled me under my bed and stabbed me!. only looking back on it i think it might have been grover!.!.!. oh well!. i still remember it!.!.!. it was awful : [Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well, if you live in Northern America this should be obvious to you!. You could be the smartest person in the USA, but in general, we're filled with a bunch of rednecks and people who think a breast implant is more important than their college tuition!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

People are mislead!. They are "sheeple!." It's a term that refers to our need to follow something, right or wrong, and the concept is what keeps the species cohesive!. Even smart individuals are part of the flock!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i believe people all have intelligence to some degree on different thimgs but also all people are generally dumb in some aspect or another!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

mob phsycology!. steryotyping!. the mind of one is the mind of many!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No one person is stupid!. All people just need to grow and develope their intelligence!. What a strange question!./Www@QuestionHome@Com

the lord made us all unique-like u, u are different in many ways too!Www@QuestionHome@Com