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Position:Home>Philosophy> When you don't get what you want?

Question: When you don't get what you want!?
What lesson is to be learned when you don't get what you want!? It can be a career, relationship, etc!.!.!.

Is life about getting what you want!?

What's your philosophy on this!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Not everything we want!.!.!.!.!.is what is best for us!.

We, as humans, are limited by the here and now!.!.!.If we are wise, we learn from the past!.!.!.but even that will not assure that we make the best choices every time!.

I have lived long enough to realize!.!.!.some of the things I wished for!.!.and received!.!.!.!.!.turned out not to be what I wanted!.!.after all!.

I have lived long enough to know for a fact!.!.!.!.that even with research and serious thought!.!.!.!.I still make unwise choices!.

I have lived long enough to know it is best to take my hopes, dreams and desires to the throne of God!.!.!.!.and ask Him to give me what He wants for me!.!.!.!.!.

He sees the future!.!.!.I cannot!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

When I don't get what I want from a hamburger up to $1million dollars, my philosophy is because that it was not what I needed at that time Or I try to find what lesson may be learned!. If you want a hamburger, and you simply do not have the money to get one, for a very long time, when you do get one you learn to really appreciate the small things!. It goes the same for say a car, if you have to compromise for a used car at that time and you really wanted a jaguar, when you drive that used car and the brakes go out, or the a/c won't work,etc!. then when you get your Jag!. you can appreciate it when everytime you get in it it will crank, or the air will come on!.Or perhaps even sometimes you will have wanted to buy a certain house, and no matter how hard you tried to bargain there was no way the seller was backing down any, so you had to get what would have been your second choice!. Then sometime later you find out that, the house you had wanted burned down and killed everyone in it, because of old faulty wiring or something, you have to think,"There was a bigger plan for me, I just have to wait and find out what that might be"!. My opinion is that EVERYTHING serves a purpose in our lives, and being denied serves a purpose in our lives!. To get the good and realize you have it you often have to have had the bad, or nothing at all!. Does that help!? Hope it wasn't too confusing!;)Www@QuestionHome@Com

When you don't' get what you desire you obviously suffer!. The logical answer then to life is to not want anything!. But not wanting so as not to suffer is wanting, too!. So how can you not want to not want!? It's this conundrum wherein the path lies, for in the realization that you cannot do anything about not wanting is when wanting subsides, and it's the floating that replaces wanting wherein lies your spirit and freedom!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


Life is about good and bad!. If everything was good, you wouldn't know that it was good - there would be nothing to compare it to!. Life is about reward and punishment!. You do something good - you get a reward!. You don't do something good - you get no reward!. You do something bad - you get punishment!. As a young adult, everything - and I DO mean EVERYTHING - that you are doing out of habit right now will be multiplied 10 fold!. That is to say, any habits or likes you have now will be the same - only on a larger scale!. So if your parents are getting on to you about being lazy, chances are you're gonna have difficulty holding down a job, unless you get excited about doing stuff all the way through - right now - the moment you're thinking of it!. When you've finished doing what you GOTTA do in life - guess what, now you get to do what you WANNA do -

jeepers I wish I had figured this stuff out when I was a kid - anyway, there's the right way, and the easy way -
your choice - - - - SifuWww@QuestionHome@Com

Mastering your attitude is a key to mastering your success!. Bad attitude is infectious and it is sometimes a hard thing to do away with!. But it is important to be able to change your attitude for the better!. The happier and more focused your attitude is, the more likely you are to drive yourself to success!. One way to change your attitude is to use an affirmation!. An affirmation is a statement that describes what you want!. Effective affirmations are precise, positive, and written in the present tense!. You may know affirmations under the popular name of "The Law of Attraction!." Whether you want to call it The Law of Attraction or you want to call it exactly what it is, affirming, has helped many people adjust their attitude and attract the things they want in their lives!.

To start using affirmations, you must first determine what you want!. Now describe yourself as already having it!. You could write something like, "I, Gabriel Diaz, am wealthy!. I have more money than I could ever imagine!. I live in a six-bedroom house in Irvine, California!. I drive a Mercedes-Benz C63 AMG!. My wife and I are very happy with eachother!. She wears a beautiful Calla Cut diamond ring and is very happy with her life!. We have a cute beagle that greets us every day with a wagging tail!."

Repeat your affirmation out loud!. Believe in it!. Say it every day after you wake up and before bed!. Visualize what you want and feel what you want!. Believe that it is part of your life and it will manifest itself into your life!.

Using this technique to attract what you want can work on anything!. If you want it!. Just say it out loud as if you live in it!. Do you want to improve your relationship with someone!? Just write down how you'd like to interact with them as if you are living it!. Write down and read aloud what it would be like to have a nice conversation with them!. What would you say and do!? What would they say and do!? What kind of expressions would you see and what words would you hear!? Write it down, visualize it, and live it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

life is having what you need, living with what you have and aiming for what you want,, and learning that sometime you can only do or have 1 of the 3,, and that when you have all 3,, your still missing the point of life, which was to enjoy 2, be thankfull for 1 and love the chase of 3

i think thats circular enought to be a philosophy )Www@QuestionHome@Com

For me it's about getting some of what I want and all that I need!. My needs I try and allow God to work that out!. My wants I pray about those as well, but if I don't get them, I am hope full there is something better to come! if I can get some acceptance about the situation, I can move on and activate my faith for something better!. My philosophy is that of the Bible!. If a door is shut the windows of heaven will open!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Until you become an elder you'll want until your credit card melts!. If you can be wise enough to understand that wants and needs are two different things and materialistic people can't take all the crap they buy with them when they die!. Work for your education, you'll need it to just exist on the bare minimums the way this world is going!. Be wise and save!. Work towards friendships and loving families, because without them the office is a lonely place!. All the money in the world cannot buy you happiness!.!.!.where have you heard that before!? Yep, from an elder!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think the lesson your leaning is The world doesn't revolve around you and you need to be grateful for what you do have!. Life is defiantly not about getting everything you want, at least without working for it first!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No, I think life is about being uncomfortable!.

It is only in being uncomfortable that we can rise above the ordinary to the extraordinary and accomplish what we thought we could not!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

life isnt about getting what you want
its about working for it
and living it
you dont always get everything you want and if you do
then no offense, you'd be pretty spoiled!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

When you don't get what you want then you do with what you have!.
Creativity will usually embrace those who accept the limits of what they do have, and not what they want!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

when i don't get what i want i throw myself on the floor hit the ground with my hands and keep yelling "but i need it" even if i don't really need itWww@QuestionHome@Com

recognize that what you do want!.

never really mattered that much anyway!.

the poorest people with the least amount of stuff are usually the happiest!.

i mean dirt poor!. still smile!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

haha i always get what i want lol my bf takes care of me i love him :) anyways but if i dont i throw the biggest fit i have anger problems and i will deff go a lil crazy lol hahaWww@QuestionHome@Com

Life is about giving of yourself freely and being compassionate and generous!. If you live this you'll get everything you need!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I've always found that you get the little things you want with hard work!. But for the bigger things you want, you just have to get lucky!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i save up money and get it myself if you do something other thene that stop wasting your time get a job do chores save your own money it would be alot better you can get more hope i helped!Www@QuestionHome@Com

in my opinion the lesson is:

"You can't always get what you want, but if you try sometimes, well you just may find, you get what you need!."Www@QuestionHome@Com

I hardly ever don't get what I want, because I want very little!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Because if we had what we wanted!.!.!.we wouldn't want it anymore!. We are never satisfied!. People are always looking for the next best thing!.!.!.it's sad really!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i just make my daddy get it for meWww@QuestionHome@Com

Don't get your hopes up that way if all fails, you won't be disappointed!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i go into patient mode and realize ill get it someother timeWww@QuestionHome@Com

Means you should ask for it in another way!. What I meant to say!.!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

no comment ill get back wit uWww@QuestionHome@Com