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Question: I would like to become a philosopher!.!?
I would like to become one but what classes should I take!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
You may take up Philosophy as your Major or take philosophy subjects!. However, may i uggest for you to read on Ethics to start going deeper to the other fields of philosophy like logic, esthetics, ethics, politics, and Metaphysics!. One more thing read, read, read, read a lot!. Your mind when expanded will no longer go back to its oringinal!. It will be a good foundation to understand more about Philosophy!. You will learn to love it and have the pleasure of understanding more as you delve deeper!.

Good luck!. And interesting choice!.

Thanks for asking!. Have a great day!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I suppose you could take some classes or even obtain a degree in philosophy but that wouldn't necessarily make you a philosopher anymore than going into a McDonalds would make you a big mac!. You could even become a man of letters and try to publish papers on your thoughts on life and the existance of man but that wouldn't make you a philosopher either!. In my own unlearned opinion a philosopher is a person who shucks conventional thinking and strikes out on his/her own and finds they're intellectual path!. One of your answerers said ask alot of questions, I agree but do not be disuaded by the response you'll get because most people will laugh at you regarding the type of questions you'll probably ask them!. Read as much as you can about all types of philosophy but I suggest getting a library card at first because you could spend a small fortune on books if you aren't careful!. Be open minded and read and try to understand even the philosophies you don't agree with!. Afterall, thinking is the soul talking to itself!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It depends on what type of philophy you are interested in!. It could be existentialism or ancient philosophy!. If you are interested in philosophy in general, take a variety of classes such as ancient greek and roman philosophy!. If anything, it will get you to think deeper about life!. You might want to become a philosophy professor later on, or base your thinking on what you lhave learned!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Take philosophy & your instructor can tell you what else you need to do!. If you want to make a living using the subject you might want to teach it or you can become a religious science or Unity Minister!. I have studying different existenilist by taking classes at this churchs!. They are not for people of a specific religion even though they are called churchs so don't let that hold you back!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

First of all, avoid "philosophy" classes, which will only slow you down!. As Wittgenstein once wrote, "Philosophers use confusing language to make themselves sound important!."
More useful to the field of philosophy as it operates today would be:
Mathematics (especially focusing on Set Theory and G?del's second incompleteness theorem)
also consider taking a few classes in barbaculture if your university offers any!.

Most important of all, ask questions of everyone you meet!. You can't overestimate the importance of this: after all, people used to think the earth was flat until someone asked Copernicus if he knew what time it was!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

A philosopher isn't a profession anymore!. No one really pays people to think!. However, you might want to look into getting some English Composition courses or something of that nature so that you can put your theories into practice!. Philosophers could really take anything from Psychology, Ancient Civilizations, Theology, Philosophy, Ethics, and Sociology for some general ideas on the topic of your choice!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

"Harry Potter and Philosophy: If Aristotle Ran Hogwarts," ed!. Klein and Baggett!.
This would introduce you to contemporary philosophers!.
Then, if you like, email these professors (about 15 of them in the book, each with a chapter), at least the ones you liked reading, and ask your question of them!.
One point: science, particularly physics, is demonstrating post-Kantian knowledge: http://www!.tiller!.org
"Extraordinary Knowing," Dr!. Elizabeth Mayer,
"The Mindful Universe," Dr!. Henry P!. Stapp,
so some basic knowledge of physics including quantum mechanics would be worthwhile!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think the best way to become a philosopher is to become a poet!. Take poetry classes and it will lead you in that direction!.
I used to want to be a philosopher too when i was younger!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

There's no club to join!.!.!. just be curious about your world and the people in it and ask interesting questions!.!.!.

Plus read the folks you think you need to read!.!.!. that always helps!.Www@QuestionHome@Com