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Position:Home>Philosophy> Would you say you're happy with your life right now?

Question: Would you say you're happy with your life right now!?
For my self i would have to say No, but i'm young so i'm hoping things will change and get better!.
Does life get better as you get older or worse!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I'm 17 and am!.!.!. well, somewhat happy with my life!. When I was younger (like 14 -15) I was extremely fed up with life, but then after the teenage angst passed I'm pretty happy!.

Happiness isn't a definite measurement like height or wealth, it is a feeling that you'll have to find yourself!. I guarantee you, there's happiness to be found under any circumstances, however bleak!.

The key to finding happiness is celebrating what you already have and not grieving over what you don't have, while at the same time, working toward acquiring what you don't have at your own pace!.

You say that you hope things will change and get better!. But don't just hope, do! Work hard and make those changes yourself and use hope as a driving force! e!.g!. If you think you're overweight, then exercise like crazy and go on a healthy diet!. If you feel useless and untalented then learn a skill! (like play an easy instrument or learn to do something random and cool, like parkour)
Basically do everything in your power to work towards those changes you want to see!.
Even if you fail, you will still become a better person!.

As for the last question, well, life does get better for most people when they go to college due to the amount of freedom!. But getting a job that you enjoy is crucial to having a good life after college!. There's a quote I heard from somewhere, "If you find a job that you like, then you don't have to work a single day in your life" or something like that!.
With a good job to start off with, you can begin to seek out the other things you want in your life (i!.e!. marriage, kids etc!.)

Anyway, I hope this helps!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

With the two choices of yes or no I'd have to say yes I am happy with my life overall!. I will also say that there are several areas within my life that I have identified as needing improvment but that just makes me human!. I am close to fifty years old and I have learned that I am where I am in my life due to choices that I alone have made!. I try to learn from my failures and successes so to me everything is an opportunity to learn!. As I grow older I want to learn more and more about everything!. I seem to be evolving into quite an intellectually curious individual which I think is a good thing!. As far as the comment you made where you stated that you are hoping things will change and get better, they will if you make it happen!. You are the master of your life!. Your life was given to you to live and no one else!. You are responsible for every decision you make!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I would say I am happy with my life right now!. Of course, the outcome of your life depends mostly on your choices!. You're in a fight because of something you said or did!. That annoying girl follows you around because she likes your personality!. It's all about evaluating your life and figuring out which sacrifices are worth it and which will make things worse in the long run!. Of course there are natural disasters, shootings, and things only God can control, but for the most part, your life is in your hands!. As to whether your life gets better or worse as you get older, that is, once again, up to you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Right now I am not happy with my life!. I am working a temp job that I could be let go from at any moment, we've slipped way into debt since I was laid off two months ago and I can' barley put food on the table for my kids!.

On the bright side, I have two little ones who still think I'm the bees knees, have a roof over our head, a reliable vehicle and a close knit family!. We will be ok!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Happiness is an inside job, Do not look for it out side yourself, It is an attitude!. No one can make you happy or unhappy unless you allow them to!.

What gets better, you grow and mature and learn how to cope with happy and unhappy, They are both here to stay, there is no escape!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'm quite happy with my life!. I'm completely independent, I'm going to school to get a great degree, and I have awesome friends and a great boyfriend!.

Life is as good as you perceive it!. Getting older doesn't have anything to do with it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I've got friends, a good house, a fair share of tech, food every night!.!.!.!.!.!. Hell no!. This place sucks!. However, I'm not afraid to say that I may never be satisfied by human matters such as relationships and possessions and as such will never be happy!. I'm ok with this!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Sure!.!.errrr!.Wait !.!.!.Not so much now!.!.But, oh!.!.!.hold on !.!.Yeah I'm ecstatic!.!.ally sad
Here you go try this on for size!.!.smiling again are you!.!.!.dang it!.!.!.here it comes again

the blues paid dues new shoes this ruse
i refuse to lose i choose new glue to do and undo this hue I wish for youWww@QuestionHome@Com

i believe that no body is happy with their life in their youth or in elder years!. everyone wants something that could change!. the only difference is when you get older, the wants become a nuisance and you realize you have to except what you have!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I Have Never Been Happy with my Life!.
Right Now I Know I Could Be Happy,
But There Are So Many Obstacles Still!

For You Sweetie,if you stay on the right Path
and let no one lead you Astray,You Will find
Happiness as you Grow with your Beauty!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If you can not be happy today, you will never be happy tomorrow,

I believe in enjoying the very moment, coz you can never be sure of tomorrow!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i cant say no but i cant say yes because i'm not miserable but yet not satisfied and i always say things happen for a reason and well i'm not done living so that should change because i'm still youngWww@QuestionHome@Com

your life is what you make it!.

i am not happy with my life right now so i am working on making it better!.

with age comes wisdom!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'd say I'm satisfied and content with my life, not necessarily happy with it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It gets better if you can find a career that is fulfilling and surround yourself with good friends!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

it's been better before, but it's also been way worse
right now i'm just waiting to see what's gonna happen!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I could say I am happy with my life right now, but I would be lying!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Depends on the day really, take it one day at a time =)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Happiest I've ever been!.
Keep smiling, make your own luck, and share happiness with everyone!Www@QuestionHome@Com

HECK NO!!!!!!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Your life i think that is the present moment!.!.!.not in future not in past ,enjoy each moment because not is someon to garant the future!.We must try to live beauty each second!.!.now ,right now smile pls ,why!?because there are 10000 reason to do that!.Look around you ,look "inside "you ,descover your soul and you ll be happy!.
I recomand you the book "Unlimited power" by Anthony Robbins!.
We don t know so many about us!.Are peoples in world what can walk on fire ,anothers can "see "but are blinds!.!.!.the hysnose show as that are living many lives!.Think about your goals in life ,try to discover "who you are"!.
Is important to think positive ,read about it ,search books!.
I give you a site :http://www!.lifepositive!.com/Mind/psychol!.!.!.
From there
"The Value of Balance for Happiness

by Pallavi Bhatacharya

Will owning a new Mercedes Benz, or taking a vacation in Switzerland make you a lot happier!? Will breaking up with a loved one or faring poorly in an examination add to your misery!? Not necessarily, according to a research conducted by Harvard professor Daniel Gilbert, psychologist Tim Wilson of the University of Virginia, economist George Loewenstein and Nobel Laureate Daniel Kahneman!.

Human beings tend to predict the outcome of an unforeseen venture or event both qualitatively and quantitatively in terms of negativity and positivity—and in most cases they are wrong!. Try and reminisce on your own life experiences!. How long have you really held on to the grief of the death of a loved one!? Tears can’t fall forever!. On getting a job promotion and a fatter pay cheque, how long have you rejoiced!? You could not have gone on throwing parties week after week to celebrate the event!.

Yet, if we introspect, most of us will find that we had magnified the intensity of emotions associated with these happenings when they were yet to occur!. According to this research, affective forecasting is immature and often misleading!.

This is not to say that an unpleasant event like a theft of a large sum of money won’t make us sad, but it does not mean that we’ll be devastated forever!. Similarly, adding material pleasures may make life more exciting for a while but will never make everything perfect for us!. Has the binge shopping ever helped beyond a few moments!?

A survey conducted for the research proves statistically that the test participants made multiple errors while anticipating the intensity of the emotional response to future circumstances!. Later they confessed that the bad events seemed less tragic and were usually short lived than predicted!. Good events, on the other hand, proved rather ephemeral!. This only proves the value of being ever-present in the here and the now, and the spiritual value of retaining equanimity and inner balance under all circumstances—good or bad!.

The happiest country!

We have tired of explaining ourselves that money doesn’t buy happiness!. If we believe in figures rather than feelings, here is the proof!. In a new study of more than 65 countries published in UK’s New Scientist magazine, it has been found that the happiest people in the world live in Nigeria!. Nigeria, Mexico, Venezuela, El Salvador, Puerto Rico top the happiness list while Russia, Armenia and Romania are the least happy countries!. People in Latin America, Western Europe and North America were said to be happier than people in Eastern Europe and Russia!.

It is important to note here that the factors that make people happy may vary from one country to another!. While personal success and self-expression were seen as the most important in the US, in Japan, happiness is about fulfilling the expectations of family and society!.

The survey is a worldwide investigation of socio-cultural and political change conducted about every four years by an international network of social scientists!. It includes questions about how happy people are and how satisfied they are with their lives!. New Scientist mentions that although such surveys are not new, they are being increasingly taken into account by policy makers!.

A happiness checklist once again:
- Have happy relationships
- Value good friendships
- Desire less
- Do someone a good turn
- Keep faith (religious or not)
- Stop comparing your looks with others
- Grow old gracefully
- Don’t worry if you’re not a genius

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We with all have bad moments in life but is important how you wanna see it ,many are lessons of life what help us !.Www@QuestionHome@Com