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Position:Home>Philosophy> Where do you find yourself on your journey of life?

Question: Where do you find yourself on your journey of life!?
Have you had many surprises, disappointments, or have things gone pretty much as you planned !.and you've
reached many of your goals; found the "love of your life",
success in your chosen career, and a close friend or two!.
More importantly maybe, what goals lie for you in the future!?
What mysteries intrique you still!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I'm 33!. Life is always a surprise!. Nothing turns out the way u planned!. I have found my "calling" in life and am at my perfect job!. I have found the love of my life!. I haven't reached many of the goals I started out with in high school or college, but have found and reached new ones!. I have friends that feel more like sisters, and a dog that treats me like a rock star!. I will never know what's next in my life, but the important thing is to always have my eyes open for the next path!. The biggest mystery to me will always be unanswered: Did I positively affect enough lives to justify my existence!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Ah, the huge questions in life! gee, I am so used to being asked, "do you think I'm pretty!?' from this website!

Yes, life has given me many surprises, disappointments, and yet it also has gone as I had hoped, in terms of finding the love of my life, a career that works for my soul if not for a good pension!.!.!.!.and ahead, I think I will have to live on cat food since I don't see how I can ever afford to retire!.!.!.!.

What mysteries still intrigue me!? I wonder about a few things: how can some adults remain so self centered!.!?!.!.!.how can some people be so callus!? How come so many people ignore the suffering of abused children and those in poverty!?
How did we get in the mess we are in this country!? Can we ever "fix" the world!?

Oh heck!.!.!.but, like you like think like I am like attractive or what!?!? lol!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

On the access road searching for an on ramp before I take the wrong exit and wind up on a dead end!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

God put me upon this earth to accomplish a certain number of things

right now, i am so far behind that i will never dieWww@QuestionHome@Com

I'm 23 and am ready for the grave!.!.!.there's nothing in this world of value to meWww@QuestionHome@Com