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Position:Home>Philosophy> Is it LOVE or SEX ?

Question: Is it LOVE or SEX !?
When a couple who is intensely in love, promises to each other to spend their entire life togather, is it only because of love they do this or does sex comes in between!. Assuming, If they are restricted of doing sex with each other ( The kind of contract ) will they be able to spend their entire life happily !? If yes, then there is no problem, but if no then that means love can not stand alone only on the basis of love!. Than, can it be called pure love !? Is sex a part of love !? Or is love something which can be catagourized in various catagouries, like mother-son, mother- daughter, , sister-brother, father- son and so on!. Which one is ultimate!. If there is nothing like ultimate love, then what kind of love was that, for which jesus let himself crusified for the sack of our sins !?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Different types of love:

1) Unconditional love: Jesus, Buddha (very deep spiritual practice + born with very special qualities)
2) Familial love: genetic link (evolutionary bond)
3) Partner / sexual love: (oxytocin + genetic attraction)
4) Friends: needs exchanged (they make you laugh in exchange for you being a good listener etc!.!.!.)

I believe these loves are USUALLY in that order!. i!.e!. if you get divorced from 3) you still have 2)!.

I'm not sure about 3) and 4) order, but that is my experience!. 3) and 4) come and go!. 3) and 4) are purely needs based!.

I'm an atheist, but I believe Jesus was born with some mind blowing qualities, which he developed further through spiritual practise!. He was obviously highly compassionate, and unconditional with his love!. An amazing communicator and ability to genuinely bond with people on a deep level!. He died because he believed that sacrificing his life would leave a lasting message to humanity!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You seem to be confusing the terms love and marriage!.

Marriage is when two people choose to spend the rest of their lives together!. Love has nothing to do with that and neither does sex!.

And since you asked there are atleast nine different kinds of love and not all of them include sex!.

Furthermore, not all sex includes love!.

So the answer to your question is that it depends on the people involved in the relationship as to what sort of relationship it is and what emotions are involved!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Pure love is always only on the soul level!.

Sex is on a physical level!.

Nevertheless sexual instinct can be an accompanying force in the life of a couple who feels pure love to each other!. Nevertheless the pure love, if kept alive guarantees happiness until the end of the earth life, even though that at a time the physical instinct as such might vanish when getting older!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Why do you confuse the crucified Jesus with determination of a possible roll in the hay!? That is different from the love we have for our fellow men and women!. It is just sex when you are selfish and want to go away!. I fell slowly in love with my husband because he has always been there for me!. That is LOVE!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

The different categories are just circumstantial!. Everyone has the capacity to love anyone else in the true, Jesus-like sense!. Sexual love is a special case because you are giving and receiving an exclusive gift, but it's technically no purer than platonic love!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

There is no general answer to this question imo!. But here's my opinion(s)!. As for your first question, when you first "fall in love" it is mostly based on superficial things such as looks, sex etc!. But if you willingly stay together for long you eventually "truly" love them for them!. And then your truly in love and your love can withstand anything because you are willing to compromise your own happiness for the happiness of your love and they are willing to do the same!. Sex is indeed a part of love, how big a part depends on the individual, for instance for a some people it may be deal breaker!. But for the parapelegic who can no longer enjoy sex it may mean nothing!. I think that all love is basically the same its just that some people confuse lust or fear!. (of being alone/never finding anybody etc!.!.!.) with love!.Www@QuestionHome@Com