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Position:Home>Philosophy> Is the pursuit of knowledge a waste of time ?????

Question: Is the pursuit of knowledge a waste of time !?!?!?!?!?
In this day and age , knowledge seems to be a means to an ends !. As opposed to an end in itself !.
The only reason now to seek knowledge is to make more money !.
The reason people tried attain knowledge was to improve others understanding and to expand what was known !.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Of course not - no matter how materialistic and trivial the world becomes, there will always be people who are interested in knowledge for its own sake, and for the sake of better understanding themselves and the world around them!.

Seek them out!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The pursuit of knowledge is never a waste of time, as long as you implement the learned knowledge!. It doesn't have to be for money, but can be for personal growth, to gain a better understanding of the world around you, to improve upon existing things or areas in your life, for awareness, etc!. The Internet is a wonderful tool in such a quest, as long as you know what sites to hit/ avoid!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

yes, it is a waste of time!.!.!.in the sense that everything is a waste of time!.!.!.

even is the pursuit is to "improve others understanding and to expand what was known" it is still a waste of time!.!.!.

everything we do is for a reason, but no reason will ever give a particular task meaning nor will it enhance its importance in the grander scheme of things!.

stop trying to find meaning in everything and just live life!. you're over-analyzing things!.!.!.who cares whether the pursuit of knowledge is a waste of time!?!.!.!.if you want to pursue it then do it, and if you don't want to learn things then don't!.!.!.you will never find justification for your decision no matter what you decide!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No!!! But, if you pursue And Gain Knowledge- there is quite a Bit of Responsibility that Comes With It!!!! Knowledge without Wisdom is a Very Dangerous Thing!. Oh, and Money has Little or Nothing to do with Gaining Knowledge or Wisdom!. Money is a Source for acquiring Material Things-no more - no less!. Knowledge is a Lifetime Adventure-- You can gain all of the Knowledge and Wisdom that you can and be Flat Broke monetarily!. But, Very Rich in the Spiritual Realm!. That is what goes with you to the Grave, Not Money!Www@QuestionHome@Com

People often have false beliefs about the past -- rose coloured glasses come to mind!.

Knowledge has financial rewards as there aren't many patrons these days who will pay someone to indulge in their thoughts!. There isn't a Medici around to fund me to pursue my academic goals!. As a result, finances become an integral part of my survival in my pursuit of knowledge!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's never a waste of time to seek knowledge!. Don't let the fact that some attempt to gain knowledge for monetary purposes lead you believe that it's just a futile effort!.

We control our own lives and the pursuit of knowledge can only improve us!. The hypocrisy of others is no reason to deny ourselves what we want out of life!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Oh NO!!! Knowledge has ALWAYS been a means to several ends!. And knowledge gained for whatever end leads on an endless quest for more knowledge!. Even if it is a means to make more money, after having made some, you want to make more; so you learn more!

And of course, there are ALWAYS at least a few humans who search for truth, not because they "want" anything, but because they do now want anything else!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's more of a waste of money nowadays!. Think about it, you spend tens of thousands of dollars for the knowledge, and end up tens of thousands of dollars in debt!. It'd be more ironic if you were studying economics!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

the knowledge obtained is a self-satisfying reward for seeking it!. we can, so we do!. and if we make money by seeking it and finding it, more power to us!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Knowledge is one of the few things you take with you to heaven!. Knowledge and love!.

If you don't believe in heaven or an afterlife, then shouldn't we all just be hedonistic!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Persuit of knowledge still can yield tangible resilts!. What is questionable is the persuit of wisdom!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Once you know everything there is to know, I assure you'll be right back to the state of unknowing!Www@QuestionHome@Com