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Position:Home>Philosophy> Do you think you have had a previous life?

Question: Do you think you have had a previous life!?
Or what are your thoughts on life after life!?=Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
hmm this topic is debated everywhere!. This has crossed my mind many a times!. It is very interesting, and i think that it really depends on how you look at life, and your beliefs as to whether you think there is an afterlife and whether we have had a previous life!. I often catch myself say-dreaming about this sometimes when im bored, thinking about possibilities, and how this would happen, and i also find myself thinking about death, and after that!. I find myself getting sort of scared, thinking death is the end of everything forever and ever!.!. everything that you see around you, your friends, family, possesions, everything here for no reason!. But i am a strong believer in the christian religion and i believe ine eternal life, but that does no rule out the possibility of previous lives!. If we do have previous lives, it would be very interesting to know, who, how, why and all these unanswerable questions!. I may have been a human in a previous life (is theres such thing [!?]) and not have been a human, therefore, no eternal life with God in heaven, so i may have died and eventually come back as who i am now!. Its always a possibility!. Its a very interesting topic, and you can think about it for hours on end never tiring!. You can also try and remember your previous life if you believe, but of course you would never ever succeed, but still, no harm in trying!. In conclusion i feel that afterlife, with this life of mine, is impossible, as i am christian and will live an eternal life with God in Heaven, but i think its a definite POSSIBILITY that we have has a previous life and just do not recall anything!. Science tells us this is not true, but you never know!. Anything is possible!. Who Knows!. Maybe another Heath Ledger is walking among us, unfound and secretive!.!.!. no knowing themselves!.!. hmmmm!.!. gets me thinking!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Think of the best place on Earth; it always has flaws!. I remember I used to love an amusement park, but the mighty flaw is the long lines and the disrespectful people!. I always loved theaters and seeing shows, but there's always a point where the show you keep seeing and seeing becomes old!.
But imagine the awesomeness of the greatest place on Earth without the flaws: an amusement park with no lines, a show that never gets old!.
That, I think, is what Heaven is like!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'm really hoping when I'm done with this one (my life) I don't have to do it again *lol*, I don't think I've lived a "previous" life!. I know that I've lived this life doing what I believe is right and that I will be rewarded when I move past it!.
I'm really hoping that I can see my loved ones and especially my beloved pets that have past on before me!. I would love to see them all again!Www@QuestionHome@Com


The cycle of birth, death and re-birth is one of samsora/suffering however, it provide one a chance to learn and to assist others in the hope of freeing all from this cycle!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yeah, I think that history repeats itself because the same people (or at least type of people) come back over and over again and are reborn and stuff!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


I have an old soul!.

also the soul is eternal we all are trying to reach nirvana and get off the wheel of samasara!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

But, how bad did I f up the last one to have been dealt some of the hands I got this time!.
Thought------When will I get it right!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

I doubt it!.

Life after life!? Who really knows!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

i have had many so has everone else and now we our all at the end of this journey and everyone that will be born in the new kingdom on earth will be fresh new soulsWww@QuestionHome@Com