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Position:Home>Philosophy> Why do humans love free stuff?

Question: Why do humans love free stuff!?
is this some kind of a hidden instinct in Human beings, aren't they so from the birth!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
For the same reason they like mysticism and magic and fate and psychics and crystal balls and all that crap!.

It takes away the need to think, to try!.!.!. it makes life easy by doing the work for you!.!.!. all profit, all gain!.!.!. and no personal loss, no financial loss, no emotional loss!. It gives them the comfort of eventual success without the strife that accompanies hard work

Our society has bred laziness and slovenliness and capitalism and turned us into an apathetic species with no real goals and no sense of ethics!.

Look at the unemployment rates!.

Look at the undisciplined (ha, so-called ADD) kids that run around and play while they should be learning!. A bored mind!? Or a lazy mind more interested in pleasure and ease!?

Look at the trend away from Christianity coupled with a simultaneous trend toward astrology and premonitions of the future!.!.!. 2012 Mayan myth, psychic phenomenon, Edward Casey and Bible Code and Nostradamus and John Edwards and the like!. Morals and ethics are being redefined as subjective!.!.!. "if it doesnt suit you, it must be subjective, so use it at your leisure!."

Our society is full of hypocrites and self-deceivers!.!.!. bent on doing nothing!. If you have to work, it isnt worth it!.

If you put yourself on the line, you risk failure!. That is why people are shy and self conscious in social situations!. It is why people procrastinate - until it consciously settles in that they cant get away with not doing the job, they put it off hoping it will get done on its own, or hoping they will find a way to do it perfectly with the least effort!.

Its not the human way!. Its the American/Capitalist way!. His hedonism!. All that matters is the self!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Humans love free stuff because, actually, there are holes in their souls that are generated by the advertising industry!. Free stuff works to temporarily fill in these holes until commercial transactions can occur, thus better satisfying the desire to plug 'em up!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

WTF do you get for free in life, so when you read about it you try to grab it and all the time the media is playing you for a fool!. Just how cruel can life get, and we poor bastards get caught all the time!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well, i'm publicist, so i think that with free things there is not risk of paying something and deslike it (frustration)!. Humans prevent frustrations!.

My MSN ID: reno!.gadelha@windowslive!.comWww@QuestionHome@Com

If you go to a store, in order to get something, you have to give something!. Not with free stuff as the price is always right!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Because everything costs so much now a days that we just love it when it's FREE!. lol!. I'm not really sure!.


because we dont like to spend our money, especially those of us who dont have much!.!.!.!.!.?Www@QuestionHome@Com