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Position:Home>Philosophy> If religion is all about love and peace, why are so many wars fought because of

Question: If religion is all about love and peace, why are so many wars fought because of it!?
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Because 'religion' has nothing to do with peace and love!. Sprituality, that true inner peace within each individual and their version of God or none at all is about love and peace!. Religion is simply a means to make others conform to someone else's way of thinking even when it means by means of violence or oppression!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Because although people say that religion is to do with peace and love, it is only possible when they are seperated!. If erach religion is seperated then yes they may well be about peace and love, but when put together or forced together that can often change!. There have always been wars over religion since time began and there will be many more as no one can say indefinatly which religion holds the truth or whether any of them actually do!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The source of conflict is not religion, but human desire!. Even without the sociological and cultural construct of religion, humans have proved capable of violence!. In fact if the 20th century is a foreshadowing, the wars which will be fought over secularism will be far more violent that those incited by religious conviction!. Further, religion, like all human endeavors, cannot be appropriately understood by citing generalities!. Religion is not just about "love and peace!."Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's not the wars I worry about , it is the Genocide !.
When you look a way back in history it didn't seem to be about the Territorial conflicts we have had in the past 200 years !.
But the echo's of the past continue to resonate !.!.
To me to seems that they start about territory , patriotism then religion becomes the excuse for GenocideWww@QuestionHome@Com

I think some people do not understand the religion that they themselves try to practice!
It's kind of a paradox!. People often try to "protect" their beliefs and viewpoints!. If they do that too forcefully then they may end up acting against the principles that they are trying to "protect!."
This could explain some conflicts, although the causes for wars in general may be even more complex!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

May be god or the gods are practicing "tough love" (which might mean the Dr!. Phil is god and this one will not accept that!.!.!.!.!.)

Religions use the ideals of promoting peace and love of all as a way of manipulating the believers and as a means by which the religious leaders can gain power and material wealth!.

The "un-holy wars" are simpy the manner in which and by which they "convert" the non-believers or those with differring views and opinions as well as an attempt to prove that "their god" is able to beat "your god" up so theirs must be better!.!.!.much like a little child telling another child that his daddy can beat up the other child's daddy!.

It goes perfectly with the idea of an all knowing creator who knowingly and with forethought created sentient beings well realizing that more than 2/3 of them would reject his fumbled attempts (all powerful, this one does not think so) at communicating with the same creation and leading the all mericiful god to then condemn them all to eternal punishment (which is thought of as kind and forgiving!.!.!.)

What may be more important is wondering what is missing in the reasoning ability of so many persons who still desperately cling to these illogical and contradictory faiths and belief systems!?

Perhaps there are many paths that lead to the top of the mountain and such is what some persons need to assist them in reaching the summit!.

Be well and don't worry!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Cause so many religious people don't really believe in religion!. They are these most un-spiritual people around!. The craziest thing is that people don't question this all the time!. How could President Bush say God told him to go to war (look it up people all the details can be found)!. He is a christian so "love thy nieghbor as thyself" & "turn the others cheek" should have to be considered to when God tells you to go to war!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

There shouldn`t be wars fought because of Religion!. It`s true that one has to defend its faith with decision and knowledge, and in that case, the best weapon is to "LIVE" what you preach!. There`s were and how you`ll win all wars!.
Jesus Christ is a person, He is alive, christians follow HIM, which means we do what He told us to do, and where He told us to !. That`s the Catholic Church He founded where he left the elements needed for salvation!. Like, for example, the Sacraments, the Holy Eucharist, The Holy Mass, where the Sacrifice of Jesus in the Cross is renewed, etc!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

In short because everyone believes their right and your wrong!. People are so fixated on being right that they go against themselves and what they believe to prove it!. When big religion realized this they thought that they could take the middle east and make a ton of money in trade!.(Since the dawn of time the middle east has been a major trade route and nearly the exact center of 4 large continents!.)Www@QuestionHome@Com

because nobody likes to be wrong!. not to mention all of the major religions are governed by men so they have to prove their masculinity buy overpowering the people that speak out against them!. example ~ Jesus Christ!.!.!.he spoke out about what he believed in and the roman church persecuted him for that!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes religion preaches only love and peace!. There is no religion which preaches hatred and violence!. Wars are fought not because of religion but because of our own desires and lusts!.
We take religion as a shield to hide our lusts and make the world a fool!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

people are stupid!. they cant accept that people have differing views and need their idea to be accepted universally to make them feel more confident in its truth!. People dont like people having differing religions because it means that theirs might not be right!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Because for some religion, it is about love your own and hate the others religions!. Wipe out the other religions and you will get peace!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Religious wars are just to see who has the better imaginary friend!. Nothing less, nothing more!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

They think to keep it!.lolWww@QuestionHome@Com