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Position:Home>Philosophy> The philosopher Gabriel Marcel in one of his plays has a character say these wor

Question: The philosopher Gabriel Marcel in one of his plays has a character say these words:!?
"When I love you , I discover that you will live forever" what does this mean to you when you love someone do you love them forever!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
It is poetry, but it also expresses his Christian existentialism!. Marcel thought that technology was dehumanizing us all and that unless we set out to discover reality for ourselves (not just accept it as given), then and only then can we become real loving human beings, i!.e!. existentialist Christians!. When I love you, I see beyond your personal and social self and see the real you, which will live forever (i!.e!. the soul)!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I always thought love was the most complicated emotion!. It means different things to different people at different points of their lives!. Some people love too soon, others need to build it up!. Then of course their is family love, passion love friendship love and so on!. I think when it come to friendship and family love it does last our entire life, but as for passion, and romantic love; it is very hard indeed to live up to ones expectations!. Over time it will dwindle!.

I think the key to love is not to think about it or put a shelf life on it, but to just enjoy it while you have it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Unfamiliar with Gabriel!. I haven't spent a lot of time reading philosophers since I realized that Emanuel Kant's greatest dictum allowed the defense of opposing views to be assumed correct and equally valid!.

In any case, intense love can be suspect and in no case effects the laws of physics and that of the average life span!. lolWww@QuestionHome@Com

Well, on that of Bertrand Russell I ask this!. Through what glass pane did he peer that couldn't be shattered!?

Marcel's passage, however poetic or not, speaks to the peering into life with subjective eyes and seeing with the lens that is the heart of another just to come to know what life and living is, through its finest of representation: life is but another word for love, but herewith is taken in through a different filter and lens, by which one sees way out and into vast distances; that for each horizon there is felt and seen no limit -- which after several glimpses shows a pattern as precise as is the want sought-for in any physics!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

This is an example of the nonsense that several "philosophers" say!. There is no logical demonstration of meaning in them!. Even before Gabriel Marcel, several "Philosophers" had created such statements!. Bertrand Russell classically dismissed such statements as "meaningless"; "poetry"!.!Www@QuestionHome@Com

In pure love it not directed to any entity and so it is eternal!.
If it is a directed one there is a beginning and an ending!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

the point at which one realizes he or she loves someone is the memory one will carry with him or her for the rest of his or her life!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The concept of love is eternal so it said as"forever!."Www@QuestionHome@Com

Love for another person makes that person and his or her memory eternal!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The existence of love is eternal, the forms that it takes,