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Position:Home>Philosophy> What does the phrase "lucrative career" mean?

Question: What does the phrase "lucrative career" mean!?
What makes a career lucrative!? At what point does a career become lucrative!? How much money do I have to make before my career is considered "lucrative"!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
it is when you career makes enough money that if you are real good you can live comfortably and not from paycheck to paycheck!. the amount is dependent on where you live and who you are!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i once bought a bottle of water with a friend and because i was bored i read the text on it!. it said "the ideal amount of water" !.!.!. i read it to him, then i looked at him, and then we both started to laugh!.!.!.

is there an "ideal" amount of water !?!!?

i honestly do not know, but i suspect, that the people coming up with that crap probably have a "lucrative career" ;-)


lucrative means making lots of money through a proven method!. Like fast food is very lucrative!. Since you are paid in cash it is easy to make more than you would claim!. or making video games which would be lucrative because of an open and proven successful market for the product!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

there is this amazing tool that so many people on here seem to have missed, it's really cool!. it's called "google"

you type the word in, i!.e!. lucrative and "hey presto"Www@QuestionHome@Com

Whatever being "affluent" is!. Probably $150 Gs annually!.Www@QuestionHome@Com