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Position:Home>Philosophy> Are we the same person from birth to death, or do we become new people with some

Question: Are we the same person from birth to death, or do we become new people with someone else's memories!?
I've often contemplated that the child I was no longer exists, and probably wouldn't be able to understand how he ever could have grown up to be like me!. I feel like I'm a new person who's simply inherited someone else's memories!.

Know what I'm sayin'!? :-!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Everything is Fire my friend!.

2500 years ago the Greek philosopher Heraclitus said essentially the same thing!.

The child we were no longer exists!. We are not the same person we were yesterday because every experience changes us!.

Every memory we 'inherit' make us a new person!.

So yeah, I know what your saying!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Their are only 2 constants in the Universe, Change and the speed of light!. The child you were is gone now but his memories are still in you and an indispensable ingredient of who you are now, Our earliest memories sometimes have the biggest effect on who we are today and how we behave!. Most of what we do is based on our memories of what we have done, so that as we gain more memories our reactions change depending on what the memories are and so we are always evolving!. you could say that by the time you have finished reading this you will be a different person because you will have added new memories to yourself!. Basically you are in a perminate state of change evolving from birth to death never being fix as in who you are for more than an instant!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i think you are goin to deep into this:)
lol, your memories, emotions and experiences make who you are, your child is not you because it has yet to experience those feelings, or be in those situations!.
you are the same person, just changed by the world, you know hold memories of what the world can be like, of other people!.
of course, when you are a child an innocent to this you still believe in power rangers!.!.heroes!.!. evil and good!.!. when you are an adult, and you have really experienced the world through your own eyes, not a box, you realise that life is not like the movies or tv, you are diffrent of course!.!. you are changed because of what you have experienced and you new look on life due to thatWww@QuestionHome@Com

Well i think the thing that makes us ourselves is our memories so even if some one else's memories had been put into our minds then we wouldn't realize because we wouldn't know anything different, that is if our old memories had been wiped away!. It's amazing what experience can do to a person's personality!.!.!. Have i sidetracked!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

It would seam that way because we mostly dont remember childhood and we change almost like were new people but deep down we really are that same kid weather we realize it or not i think we will eventully realize thats why you want to have the best childhoods in all your lifes!.Yes we have more than one we die that start as a baby again with the same family but you look differrent and you dont know that you just have to realize that!.Thats all i can sayWww@QuestionHome@Com

We are the same person, you are you!. Your childhood is not necessarily gone, when you remember, you share the joys of being a child with yourself!. You may change the way you act and the way you look, but you are still you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Not really!. I feel I'm the same person with the same faults and habits I had when I was young!.

How can you have someone else's memories, when you should be able to backtrack by remembering your early life!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

We become someone else in other ppls mides because we change our persinalities!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

We grow up, develop and change!. Not the same anymore!.Www@QuestionHome@Com