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Position:Home>Philosophy> Animals know that someday the will die ?

Question: Animals know that someday the will die !?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
If you don't look at a spiritual aspect in an animal so simply the biological functions, then no!. Their brains simply can't understand or associate what death is, it's not capable!. They react under instinct or in response to what can or will damage their body (sense reactions) but don't know what that means or the consequence!. Instinct and understanding are two different things!. Kind of like sex!.!.!. animals have no concept that sex leads to procreation or that "I wanna have offspring, I'll have sex!." It's strictly instinct and pleasure (evolutionarily why sex is massively pleasurable)!.

If you think about it, take a clean slate human, they won't know that sex makes kids!. If you tell'm go make a baby!.!.!. they'd have no idea where to start but they will discover sex on their own!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

yes in fact some animals know around the time they are going to die and when it comes they prepare themselves for it because there is one type of wild cat which burries itself whne it knows it is going to die!.!.!.!. polar bears half burry themselves in snow and lay there waiting to die!.!.!.!. its sooo sad!.!.!. i saw it on a documentry about animals :'(Www@QuestionHome@Com

humans, probably some other smart animals have figured it out!. but most have no idea they are alive even!. they just have no idea of anything at all!. like plants!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes humans and Polar bears they know already they are next to extinction!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yeah, I could pretty much tell that my dog knew she was going!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yea, its instinctWww@QuestionHome@Com