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Position:Home>Philosophy> When people say "you only see that once in a blue moon"?

Question: When people say "you only see that once in a blue moon"!?
I know it means that you rarely see it at all,,, but where did this saying come from, because i have never seen a blue moon!?!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The cycle of the moon is 28 days!. Each year has 13 cycles plus 11 days (or nights!) that are extra!. These extra 11 days, accumulate to a full cycle in about 2 years!. That is, in about 2 or three years, that year does not have 13 moon cycles, but 14!
That 14th full moon is called blue moon!. And because we see it very rarely, every almost 3 years, we use this expression as something that is happening very rarely!.

Blue moon, is not blue in colour, of course!! It is just called blue!Www@QuestionHome@Com

There are 13 full moons per year!. Since there are only 12 months in the present calender year instead of 13, one month per year has two moons!. Once in a great while there are actually 14 full moons!. Either way, the extra full moons in a calender year are called "Blue Moon!."
Blue moons come only once a year, therefore are considered to be rare occurrence's!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

A blue moon occurs when there are two full moons in one month!. The second full moon is called the 'Blue Moon'!. The last Blue moon was in February 2008!.

It is an unusual occurance hence the saying 'once in a blue moon'!.

Each month the moon has a different name!. July's full moon is called the 'blessing moon'!. So bless all those you care about!.

Here is a link to show you the full moons for this year and their names:


The blue moon is the second full moon of any calendar month!. the moon is full every 28 days or so!. so it is rarely seen in the same calendar month!.
I have no idea where the expression came from but that is what it is!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Here's a link from wikipedia explaining what a blue moon is and when is started (who first used it), stuff like that:


hope this helps!.Www@QuestionHome@Com