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Position:Home>Philosophy> Whats a way to making peace?

Question: Whats a way to making peace!?
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First off, do not write an official message to an official government with that same writing you displayed in your question!. Check your grammer, punctuation, and spelling before you send off a message!.!.!.

Now I will get to the point!.
Most of the conflicts currently taking place in Africa today (as you mentioned in your question details) are ethnic conflicts!. For example look at Rwanda and Burundi!. Both conflicts in these contries are between the Hutus, and the minority group called the Tutsis!. What sparks these conflicts is that one group falsely believes that the other group wants to eliminate them, or enslave them, make them second class, etc etc!. What's interesting is that typically neither of the groups wishes this, but both groups think this about the other!.
Alot of people emphasize statecraft, and dialogue, and negotiating, but they always seem to miss the mark as to what the real solution to these problems is!.

The REAL SOLUTION to solving these problems, and better yet, to preventing these problems, is not statecraft, or rhetoric, but EXPLICITLY stating your objectives for peace and relative harmony with your ethnically different neighbors!. Spokespeople for some reason talk to their groups, as opposed to talking for their groups!. What the spokespeople and heads of parties need to do, is explicitly and publically announce to the group they are in conflict with!.!.!.

"Hey, we have been fighting this war for too long, and at too high of a price for both sides!. I think that we have both been fighting for reasons that are very unclear!. Perhaps you are under impression that we wish to do you harm, or enslave you, or kill you, but we don't!. That was never, and is not our intention, and we apologize if that is how our previous communication and behavior was interpreted!. We will do everything we can to prevent the violence from continuing on our end, so that both sides can be at ease and put an end to this fighting!. Certain of our extremist groups may not follow suit with our peace plan, and they may still pose a threat to you and your people!. In the event that this happens, please know, that they are not representative of the rest of us, and that we will do everything we can in coordination with your officials to stop them!."Www@QuestionHome@Com

We ALL need to realize that we are NOT the center of the universe!.!.!.

What WE, personally, believe has no relivance to anyone else on earth and trying to FORCE your views onto another will only lead to anger, hatred, and war!.!.!.

Learn to be happy with who YOU are and stop trying to make everyone else into a little copy of YOU!.!.!.

It will NEVER happen!.!.!.

War is based on 2 things:
1!. Trying to force Religion/Culture on to others!.
2!. Greed/Power Mongering!.

That is IT!.!.!.

So we need to learn to leave everyone else the hell alone!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

give up the notion that any god is better than any other god, IE my god is better than your god!. religion has been the source of this worlds most inhuman pimples!. I am not an atheist, but I don't believe that any loving caring God would want Butchering to be done in it's name!. What a silly notion!!! Would it make a difference if God was a women!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

First you have to identify what the other parties want or need!. Then you have to have enough compassion for their suffering that you identify with them as Humans and can accept echaother's differences!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

ughhh i hope i live to see
the day "peace" happens
i think if every one was
nice and new when to shut the fuc* up!
we would have some peace
and maybe stopping war would help to!Www@QuestionHome@Com

forgetting the past, or forgiving the past is the only true way to achieve peace!.

harder than it sounds to do!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Getting rid of dictators

and giving away something for free (ex: beer)Www@QuestionHome@Com

fighting an even fight untill you're both tired and realize no one will win (cold war, ww1!.!.!.)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Mutual understanding!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

think only kind thoughtsWww@QuestionHome@Com

individual commitmentWww@QuestionHome@Com

Treat and value all things the same!.Www@QuestionHome@Com