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Position:Home>Philosophy> What is a great personality and how to achive one?

Question: What is a great personality and how to achive one!?
I'm giving myself a lifestyle make over b/c im starting college in the fall and I would like to have a better personality!. Right now im shy and quit and dont talk much I know it comes off as rude and stuck up!. so I was wondeing whats in a great personality and how do I go about achiving oneWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
to have a good personality is to always think of other people and put yourself last!. and have no temper, be easy going and always be friendly with everyone how much he/she is a pain, show mercy and pride, never judge no-one whoever it is!.never ever be spiteful always show that you are willing and always be honest and loyal!.and dont get involved with bad folk!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The experts say that personality is determined by age 5 - probably before, we just don't have the tools to prove it!. Some people are shy from birth!. You can change your behavior, but not really your personality!.

I understand the impulse!. I thought I could change myself, too, once!. But in the end I found it better to accept who I am, while working to change the behaviors and thought patterns I didn't like!. And I found that who I am and was created to be, isn't so bad!.

So, while you may never get over being worn down by social interaction, I think you can, with practice, learn a few basic tricks to help people feel more at ease with you!. Smile, try your best to engage in some friendly smalltalk, and the effort will be appreciated!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If you have to ask, that's already a definite sign that you're already working with a deficit!. You can't fix it right away!. I used to be the same way, but now, while certainly not outgoing by any stretch of the imagination, am more of a social butterfly!.

You'll meet people in college, and they'll help you come out of your proverbial shell!.


Jesus Christ had a great personality!.

There's some good stuff in the Gospels!.!.!.Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John!.!.!.read these and follow them and if you're like me, you won't have any more personality problems!.!.!.

but of course, it's not automatic

It always takes time and hard work!.

(maybe you can even lay off the MCR!.!.!.:)Www@QuestionHome@Com

To form a good personality you have to be self-confident above all!. Being shy is no problem at all and usually it is better to let others talk while we learn from them!. Just relax and everything will be fine!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Just be your self try and open up to people,you have written this question so you should be able to communicate with others!. Dont put your self downWww@QuestionHome@Com

Get the "Great Personality for Dummies" book!.Www@QuestionHome@Com