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Position:Home>Philosophy> Is a love heart symbol ethically wrong?

Question: Is a love heart symbol ethically wrong!?
For school DT we have to write an ethical report on our design!. Our theme is love hearts!. Can this be considered ethically wrong!?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
ethics have to do with avoiding harm to someone, right!? we all have a heart within us!. that's what keeps us living!. we all have emotions!. that's what makes us human beings!. ethically, we are not harming ourselves by using the heart as a love symbol!. it is a symbol with represents life!. it isn't that love makes the world go round, but rather that love makes it more interesting!. the heart symbol as love and life is appropriate, I think!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well, yes, I guess it would be ethically wrong!. Because you don't make love type relationships from your heart, you make them from your brain!. I'm guessing your question is referring to saying "I <3 you" like replacing the word "love" for a heart symbol!. I hope my thought process from how you explained your question was the right one :PWww@QuestionHome@Com

Well, hearts were originally straight forward symbols of vaginae!. I don't know if a love heart is the same as a heart!. Arguably, it's wrong to remind people that they have genitals, so possibly!.Www@QuestionHome@Com