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Position:Home>Philosophy> Are most of the victims of abuse are the ones that think "Its not going to

Question: Are most of the victims of abuse are the ones that think "Its not going to happen to me" without a backup plan
Example conversation:

Friend 1: You're parents are just trying to protect you!. You can get raped even if your neighborhood seems good!. There are bad people everywhere!.

Friend 2: (In a stubborn way as always) No that cannot happen!. It will never happen to me!. My neighborhood has good people!.

*Few weeks later friend 2 gets raped*
Friend 1: I told you so but you didn't listen!. What's worse is that you didn't have a backup plan just in case it would happen!. Anyone at any time can do any possibility in the world to use it against you!. There truly is no safe place!.

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Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I dont think you could be more right!. This is so true its not funny!. We all need to have a back-up plan, just in case, because you are right, anyone can do anything to you anywhere, and there really is no safe place where you can totally be at peace!. We all need to be thinking about these things, and remembering that there are some truly messed up people out there, and always stay in populated areas and never go walking by yourself at night!. Man or Women!. We all need to have a back-up plan, and we need to revise this for each different situation we one day each might find ourselves!. Its true though, none of us want to think of this, and none of want to think that anything like that will ever happen to us, but in reality, it does, as unfotunate as that may be!. Please everyone always think of possibilities and situations, and a plan to escape these situations!. Enrol yourself in a self defence course, (fun, keeps you fit, and handy if you ever find yourself in this situation, and always have your relatives (mum, dad, sister etc) and the emergency services on speed dial on your phone!. Ensure you take your mobile phone everywhere, in case of emergencies!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

From this ones personal experience of having worked in a school set up so as to supposedly help abused person overcome the trauma of the same, it appears that most persons who are abused originally are children, who eventually grow into adults who have never learned anything except how to be abused and how to abuse in a self perpetuating cycle of suffering!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

In general, I would agree it is good to have a back up plan!. But sometimes bad stuff happens no matter how prepared you are; some things are beyond your control!. If you try to plan for every single terrible thing that could happen, you are not really going to be enjoying your life or living it to the fullest potential because you are always going to be looking for danger!.

Your specific rape example bothers me!. While people should take normal precautions to protect themselves, if Friend 2 gets raped, it is the rapist's fault, not hers!. And exactly how does one make a back up plan to prevent rape!?Www@QuestionHome@Com