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Position:Home>Philosophy> If you had a breath taking beautiful dream and want to keep it fresh, alive how

Question: If you had a breath taking beautiful dream and want to keep it fresh, alive how do you struggle!?
you can't write it like Cartarescu, can't draw it !.What to you do!?you simply stare at the celling and enjoy it but teribly hang on it because it's the best thing that had happened to you and want to die in that very moment so as not to lose it!.Sorry for my english, i'm not a native speaker!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Keep it in your mind and enjoy the beauty of the dream!. =]

Once, I had a dream of my father who died when I was a kid!.!. we were together and I was a kid again playing at a park together!. It was beside a beach and he was teaching me how to fly like an angel!.!. I still remember how happy I was to have him being with me and holding me in his arms!. I can't remember what he wore or what he looked like much but the dream was so magical it was like he was really there!.

I'm sorry this question made me cry!. ='(
