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Position:Home>Philosophy> Actually when is life beginning ? is it true that the life is beginning to all o

Question: Actually when is life beginning !? is it true that the life is beginning to all only at the age of 40 !?
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I just read in a book that around the age (or mid life crisis age) you look back and you realize that life isnt what you pictured and you wanted to do more or be more!. With that information people change!. I think that is why life begins again!. This is another reason why so many divorces happen around the same time!. Because they realize that its not how they want to spend the rest of their lives!. Interesting stuff, really!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Life begins when you decide that it begins, there is no single age at which anyone can claim this to happen!. It can be one momentous occasion in your life after which you decide to start doing what you really want to be doing, or it can be a daily awakening, bringing newness and breath to your every living moment!.

Life begins at 0!. Life begins at 1!. Life begins at 2!. Life begins at 3!.!.!. (etc!.!.!. etc!.!.!. etc!.!.!.!.)Www@QuestionHome@Com

My instant thought to answer that life begins at the moment of conception!.

You are actually asking when does the best time of life begin!?

My thought it that being a kid and a teenager are but a very small portion of our lives, yet they pave the way of our future!. It is the foundation that we lay for the years ahead of us!. I don't mean that there is no hope for a decent future if we mess up being a kid or an teenager- we do have the choice to change our direction in life any time we choose to!.

I would say that all ages are the true beginning of life!.
At 20 I was a student and a nurse!.
At 30 I had three kids and a husband!.
At 40 I was busy with troubled teenagers!.
At late 40's I left and got a divorice which opened the door for me to be more myself than I had ever been in my entire life!. I had spent most of my life trying to please people I could never actually please!. First my mother and then my controlling anal husband!.
At 50 I continue to be more me than every!. I love being a grandma!.! I love having the time to write and to be the artist that I was meant to be!.
I don't care so much about what people think of me!. I am so comfortable in my skin that I have ever been- even though my skin is sagging and wrinkling!. My late 40's and into my 50's I have been able to travel and date!. It is like getting my youthful spirit back!.

I just turned 58 and headed to being 60 years old!.
I can hardly believe it!.
I have aged well and I still have a young spirit!.
I love telling people my age because no one believes me!.
I am so proud of making it through some horrible stuff that was challenging in my life time!.

IOk, you asked a question and I gave you a long answer!.
The short answer would be to make each and every decade that beginning of your true and amazing life!. I could even go as far as saying that each day it the best day of our entire lives!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

There is one African tribe that thinks the soul enters the body at the age of four or five, after or during a ritual ceremony!. Until that age, the parents can still abort the child!. I think that is how American is becoming!.!.!. we are getting more and more liberal and subjective!. I thing rape and murder will be legalized soon!.!.!. because who the heck are you to judge me for it!? So, does that answer the question!? Stupid pro-abortionists!.!.!. pro-baby-slaughterers!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Life begins at the age of 20 itself!. There they learn more informations which are most attractive and have to classify which is correct & worng and then live in a good path!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Beginning of Second chapter of life!. Yes!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Life begins at conception, then a human being or whatever creature developes through ages!.Www@QuestionHome@Com