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Position:Home>Philosophy> Is philosophy serious thinking, or just tinkering?

Question: Is philosophy serious thinking, or just tinkering!?
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99% of the time it's just tinkering!. Unfortunately, most people are completley unaware of the 1% that made them!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Many of the debates in contemporary philosophy feel like tinkering, I would point to the debate in contemporary jurisprudence between exclusive and inclusive legal positivists following Dworkin (Taking Rights Seriously) as such a debate!. However in many cases the fiddly little points are often the loose threads that one can use to unpick the tapestry leading to challenges to the underlying ideas which results in some serious thinking or re-thinking as the case may be!.

The old adage that philosophy is a footnote to Plato springs to mind!. Although I think that’s rather too harsh to many incredible men!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Philosophy to me is learning to think in different ways, learning to be open to other possibilities, learning to think outside of your personal comfort zone and learning to question everything!.
I love philosophy, but feel that some philosophers question the never ending questions to death!. Each philosopher has an endless supply of other philosophers who think they have a better answer to an already answered question!. I guess that is what is called "over-thinking!." Sometimes common sense is more effective!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think philosophy is caused by idle thinking, resulting in deep thoughts!. I find I 'think' my best when I'm not really trying to come up with anything, but am free to relax and let my mind wander!. When you're not trying to come up with any specific thing, you may find your mind is brilliant!. :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's tinkering until you think you're "on to something" such as a mini-revelation that makes sense to you!. Then it's serious thinking!Www@QuestionHome@Com

no matter what we do there is thinking involved!. That is how we operate!. You will have to think seriously in order to tinker!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Tinkering my head, sometimes, get the brain working!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I liken the quote - "Doodling is the brooding of the mind"Www@QuestionHome@Com

both!!! I think u need not any philosophical answer, hahahWww@QuestionHome@Com

whats the difference!?Www@QuestionHome@Com