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Position:Home>Philosophy> Overall, do you think you deserve the things that happened in your life?

Question: Overall, do you think you deserve the things that happened in your life!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I ask myself this very question many times!. I think everything happens for a reason!. It's not only about what we "deserve"!. There is cause and effect!. Things happen because they must!. Maybe theres a lesson that has to be learned!. Maybe if that something didn't happen than something else would not have!. God is NOT out to punish you and or anybody else!. We don't have the power to say what someone else does or does not deserve!. The Universe is perfect and ever changing!. The road is only a variable that must always equal whatever the end result should be!. The freedom of choice is not the choice of your future!. You're only choosing how you get there!.

Hope this helpedWww@QuestionHome@Com

Sliding doors
there is a new film coming out called "The yes man"
its a true story of some british guy who decided to say "yes" to everything for a day ( he didnt tell anyone so that they could take advantage of him) and before he knew it, he had embarked on many strange encounters with people but overall he said that it made him feel much happier inside and gave him a positive attitude!.
We make our own destiny, i like the quote:
"the best way to predict the future is to make our own"Www@QuestionHome@Com

Most of the time we do for all of our actions have a consequence!. Most of us don't want to except that fact!. Some things that happen to us are out of our control and are perpetuated by others!. We can only deal with what we do!. I guess I would try to conduct myself so most things that are in my control would be good things in my life!.
Bad things happen no matter what we do and some we don't deserve!. All we can do it take it as part of life and move on!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Deserve's got nothing to do with it!. But generally, yes!. I believe in reincarnation, so it's a little more complicated!.Www@QuestionHome@Com