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Position:Home>Philosophy> What do you say to something like this?

Question: What do you say to something like this!?
"i just want to say, me and her have never even met!. im scared that she'll be totally different when we meet!. i dont know!. at my school theres not very many ppl who don't hate me!. im glad im moving so that i can leave all that behind and not worry about it!. next year i have a fresh start at a new school!. u hope i dont get judged there like i do here!. god, sometimes i feel like i want to die!."

I've never met him really, he's younger than I by a couple years, I'm 17, and I don't know what to say!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
"Never say that kid, you've got so much ahead of you!. Screw the bastards at school, they don't even know a good thing when they see one!. You're getting a fresh start, so now's the time to reinvent yourself!. Be yourself and smile once in a while!. Smiling prevents wrinkles!.!.!.!.remember that!."Www@QuestionHome@Com

God can only make that decision about what to expect each day of your life!. We're not of this earth!. It won't matter who will like or dislike cuz God loves you for who you are why else would He have made you!. Something must of happened that made you become uncomfortable towards people!. There's more to this statement!. Don't worry about what others think all you have to do is walk right in God's path!. Never to insult or place shame to anyone!. Let God find that special person in your life!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'd say, yeah kids in high school can be such jerks, it seems like a good opportunity to make new friends!. Even if she's not everything you expect, you'll probably still get along!.

basically just mirror back what he says, repeat in your own words!. People just want affirmation, I thinkWww@QuestionHome@Com

I cannot make out from your story if you are meeting two people, one female and a younger male!.
Thing is you may be moving but are you moving and taking your baggage with you!? What I would suggest is when you lie down at night, say to yourself that:
I forgive those people at school who have hurt me!. I forgive (name, deep breath, exhale), I forgive (name, deep breath, exhale), ect!. Till you have listed each of them!. Then: I forgive them for misjudging me!. I forgive myself for allowing others opinions to determine my worth!. For I Am Fearfully and wonderfully made in the image of God!. Lord God forgive me of my mistakes, my shortcomings and my failures!. Help me become that new creature in you!. Lord, I know I am not perfect, that is why you sent Jesus as that perfect gift for me!. I receive Jesus into my heart, mind and soul and ask you to fill me with your Holy Spirit to direct my steps, lead and guide me onto your paths of righousness from this day forward!.
Thank you God for saving my whole family to!. Amen!.
After that you have "burried" that old man there!. and when you get to your next town, find (in the phone book) a Church of God in Christ and get planted so that your new man can "grow!."Www@QuestionHome@Com