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Position:Home>Philosophy> Don't you think that maybe...?

Question: Don't you think that maybe!.!.!.!?
maybe we're not really living!? What if we were in coma or something like that, remembering our lives before the coma, or someone else's life!?

Pretty deep huh!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
You do have a point, since we can't possibly prove our ontological existence!. How can we know that our existence isn't purely transcendental!? I don't think it is, but I'm just trying to say, that we can't be sure of the existence of the world we see around us, the only thing we can be sure of, is that we can think, and doubt, and therefor it's true what René Decarte said: ''Cogito ergo sum'', which is Latin for ''I think and therefore I am!.''

Nice question!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

the human race is pretty distracted!.!.some would say semi conscious!.!.!.
power of awareness!.!.!.in it's many guises is available to all!.!.
It should be harnessed with honourable intent!.!.!.

What is the Goal!?
1:For increased personal power!?,intellectual understanding!?sharpened insight into self and culture!?improvement of life situation!?accelerated learning!?professional growth!?

2: For duty!? help of others,providing care!?rehabilitation!?rebirth for fellow men!?

3: For fun!? sensuous enjoyment!?aesthetic pleasure!?interpersonal closeness!?pure experience!?

4: For transcendence!?liberation from ego and space time limits!?Attainment of mystical union!?

Or just to chat about with your mates!.!.!.Hmmm!?!Www@QuestionHome@Com

yah!.!.!.some times i feel like i was born in the 1920's since i am so !.!.!.!.like !.!.different!. ppl say i am mature and stuff!. i dont think i'm that old but still!.!.!.u know what i mean, right!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

i thought for the longest time that i was really a ghost after watching the movie the others

now that is deep :DWww@QuestionHome@Com

read Porges or watch Matrix; that would be helpful!.Www@QuestionHome@Com