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Position:Home>Philosophy> Do you think that Random events in our lives, or people who do not prove to be p

Question: Do you think that Random events in our lives, or people who do not prove to be predictable, undermine our!?
sense of control leading to unhappiness!?!?!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The unpredictable can also be an opportunity, it's a question of how you perceive it!. When things go opposite to our expectations, they certainly can produce unhappiness, however, if you look back on some events in life, the unpredictable can often have positive results!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Interesting that you used the word undermine!. I think random events and unpredictability change the course we were on, but not necessarily undermine it!. I mean something random could actually save a life it it delayed you from being somewhere at a certain time when a tragedy struck and you never made it to your destination!. Of course the opposite could happen to and put you in the wrong place at the wrong time!.

As for unpredictable people, I find they challenge you!. Sometimes a negative way, but can also be enlightening!. They could bring something to your life that adds positive value!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No, they just make life more interesting!. Of course if one's happiness depends on a sense of control, one is going to be in trouble forever!. The universe just isn't like that!. The fun lies in trying to manage its uncontrollable uncertainties, I reckon! My Arab grandpa used to say :- "A short life in the saddle, Lord, not a long life by the fire"!. But, then, he didn't really acknowledge any "Lord", and confidently expected to live to at least 112 like his grandmother (but didn't, of course)!. Charge!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Accepting that one does not control people and events
is the first step to maturity!.
This knowledge can make you unhappy!.
Dealing with that lack of control, accepting the constant
surprises life offers leads you back to happiness!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't believe in random events!. I think everything happens for a reason!. Yes, unpredictable things make us feel we are out of control, but that can be a good thing!. When we realize that God is in control, that realization can lead to happinesss, rather than unhappiness!. John 3:16Www@QuestionHome@Com

It all depends on whether you want to look at the situation positively or negatively!.
Random events can prove to very beneficial to our happiness if we let it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If we are unaware!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

they can but can not !.!.!.!.if we have strong will power!.Www@QuestionHome@Com