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Question: Am I an Indigo Child!?
I have been reading about Indigo Children!. I did not believe I was an Indigo Child before when I read it!. But then as I thought more and as I read about them more, it seems I have more characteristics of an Indigo Child than I thought!.

Here are some characteristics that I have:

I have a strong sense of the truth about a lot of things in life!. I am very open minded to everything and can sense what is right and what is wrong!. Such as politics, media, medicine, religion, psychology, etc!.!.!.

I had anger problems in the past!. I was angry about everything!. I was diagnozed with problems by doctors and was put on medicine!.

I am rebellious against authority!. I also never, until recently, understood why people would believe in everything these people do!.

I am spiritual minded and feel spirituality is the truth over lies of religion!.

I have intuitive abilities!. I am not sure which but I can understand when somethign is wrong both on emotional and intellectual level!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I have read much on Indigo children, and I would say yes, you are!. You already knew the answer to that, so you must have meant to ask, "what does that mean and where do I go from here!?"!.

The idea of colored auras has no basis in science!. Like astrology, the descriptions could apply to most people, most of the time!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Thats nothing to worry about!
I believe that i've been abducted by aliens to help them spread peace and wisdom to the world!Www@QuestionHome@Com