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Position:Home>Philosophy> Why is it that we forgive the dead more than we forgive the living?

Question: Why is it that we forgive the dead more than we forgive the living!?
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Thank you for such an interesting asking! Yes, we use to forgive dead more than the living one!. Probably a humanity or a human feelings work behind this psychology of us!. What is 'forgiveness'!? Sure a good quality of human being, am I right!? So, you're getting a last chance to forgive a dead person than the living ones!. You would get dozen of chances to forgive a living person!.
Secondly, the total matter of DEATH is taken seriously as well as mysteriously!. Have you ever heard of forgiving a new born child!? Why not!? That child could be a thief or a rapist in future! Does that mean we should forgive in advance :-)
Whereas a dead thief or even a rapist might be forgiven since the dead person wouldn't come again to make any sin! Isn't it good to forgive for ever!? Let me tell you a custom here in Bangladesh: Before burring a dead person, the relatives shout, " How was the dead guy!?"
All of us at the final moment reply, "He was a good person!."
Then the relative shouts, "Is there anyone who would get anything from the dead person!?" Again we reply all in a chorus way, "NO!!! None of us would get anything from the dead ones!. He/She has no debt!." (even it was not true!)
I think that's a kind of last forgiveness to the deceased person!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Because the dead can't ask us to!.

We're more forgiving of those who are unable to act on their own behalf!. It's just as common to forgive someone who's slipped into a permanent coma, or gone missing or suffered some other injury which would prevent them from expressing or being able to express guilt or remorse!. You could say death is a kind of "disability" in that regard, and it's easier to forgive someone who is unable through no fault of their own to apologise!. While someone is capable of apologizing or asking forgiveness, and they don't, there simply is no impetus to be so kind!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The dead are forgiven more due to the fact that they had the privelege of crossing over into the next life!.
Our natural remorseful feelings as human beings leads us to mildly pity the deceased but at the same time feel guilt that they are no longer living!.
In any scenario, a deceased individual will be forgiven more than a living person because somewhere!.!.!. someone will believe that that deceased person has done so much and lived such a short life that he didn't deserve to die this and that so on and so forth!.

The dead are respected because it's natural human instinct that we don't realize what we have until it's gone!. They are forgiven more because somewhere deep inside we wish we could've forgiven them in their lifetime, but our chances are lost!. The living have all their lives to be forgiven!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Because we know the dead can never fix there mistakes!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.
They will never have the chance to make things rite, The living are still alive to make more mistakes and we know we can hold a grudge are choose not to forgive them and we think in time we can 4 give them not realizing they can be gone at any time!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Becasue they can't hurt us anymore and we dont have to be frightened of them!. Forgiveness requires strength hard ot have that if you're still expecting the forgivee to metaphorically go on bashing at you!. When my mother died she freed me up to love her as I no longer feared her!.

however that was the biggie and since then I havent had much trouble forgiving the living as well!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

We don't fear that the dead will harm us any further!.
We feel safe, therefore quite relaxed and close to the divine part of us which is forgiving!.
The living!.!.!. there is always a chance to hurt us again!. This, keeps us tense!. Tension does not permit us to be generous at heart!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

!.!.!.oh, this is true in many ways!.!.!.I don't really understand why that is other than we tend to remember the better side of loved ones who have passed rather than the not-so-good side and this may lead to a more forgiving heart!.!.!.just a superficial theory!.!.!.otherwise, I have no clue :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

because if ur alive, its generally accepted that u have a bit of time to work out any problems u have!. if ur dead, ur time is up!.
besides, it's more satisfying to the alive one!. it makes him feel better about himself!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Because we think we might still be able to get even with the living!. All we can do with the dead is spit on their grave and reputation, which never hurt anyone so they suffered personally, especially the dead!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

For our own peace of mind!. There's no point in holding a grudge against the dead,they are beyond caring whether
or not we condemn them!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

cause you can shape a dead persons reactions to suit your desires!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Because people that are alive could still cause you problems even after you forgive them!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Without repeating I agree with Stro Bro or whateverWww@QuestionHome@Com

Dead can't hurt anymore while living still can!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You feel bad that their deadWww@QuestionHome@Com

Because we know then, they will know the truth of their actions!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

because they are dead Sad But TrueWww@QuestionHome@Com