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Position:Home>Philosophy> How do you feel about grudge holders & revenge seekers?

Question: How do you feel about grudge holders & revenge seekers!?
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Depends on why they are holding a grudge or want revenge!.

Some people want revenge because of their wounded pride!. They do not think very highly of someone, say, they think someone is a total loser, and said "total loser" beats them at something, so they go out of their way to destroy their lives!. Or, you have a situation of unjustified revenge; a violent criminal rapes and murders, the woman's family gets justice by having the man chemically castrated legally, but then said rapist wants revenge because he's complaining that he can't have kids anymore, is that revenge justified!? No its not!.

You have a situation where a person never did anything wrong though, when they never did anything to hurt anyone, and yet, another person destroys their lives maliciously, that is plenty of cause for revenge, like for example, what happened to Beatrix Kidow from Kill Bill!. In her case, revenge is easily justified!.

The other respondents of this question are obviously sociopaths who enjoy hurting others!. If they truly experienced pain, if they truly knew injustice, they would not have responded the way they did!. Only a total sociopath, a bully, a coward, a liar, a cheat, a duplicitious person, would give that kind of response hiding under the veneer of philosophy!.

Revenge though, is not justice, justified or not, revenge is not justice!. Here's why; Beatrix Kidow, for instance, only had to kill Bill himself!. All the other women in the viper gang (is that what it was called!?) were just following orders!. Problem is, true enough if she DIDN'T kill them, Bill could always call on them for protection so I suppose that was more for the sake of efficiency than revenge!. Still getting to the point; many of the killings Kidow engaged in where, for the sake of seeking justice for what was done to her, completel and totally unecessary!.

How do I feel about such people!? It depends on why, what reason!.

When you want revenge, even though prior to the fact you wronged someone, what right do you have to want it!? I mean, you hurt them first!. Is it right for example, for Americans to take revenge on Arabs, for 9/11!? Bill Clinton killed many of those people first!. Americans, killed Arabs first!. What right did Americans have to be angry over being attacked!? What right!?

If the other posters are going to say "let them stew in it," or other sociopathic bully horseshit like that, Americans, well, you can all stew in what happened to you in those terror attacks then as far as the rest of the world is concerned, no one really cares about your dead, people only showed sympathy because you people have money and they did not want to hurt trade relations!.

Hurts a little when its turned around doesn't it!?

Some revenge seekers suffered a genuine injustice while others are all about wounded pride, and arguably, the latter are more despicable!. Does a rich person for example, have the right to seek revenge on someone, and destroy their life utterly, just because the poorer person SAID something that hurt them!? What if the rich person has a loving family, a career they don't deserve, and basically, too many priveleges in life they are too much of an ungrateful brat for!? What right, does such a person have to seek revenge!?

Now, If THAT is the type of vengeful person the other posters were talking about then, my apologies, I agree; let them stew in it!. Let them suffer; they enjoy injustice so much, then, let them wallow in it!.

I am trying to be more careful with the response however, because not everyone who seeks revenge is an arrogantly proud person seeking to put a "loser" in "their place!." Some grudge holders and revenge seekers were genuinely wronged!. Many blacks rightly hold a grudge against whites, for example, and the various uncle tom gangsta wannabes who work for them!.

Is revenge a waste of time!?

Well let me put it bluntly; some people are so evil, they deserve to die, and sometimes revenge is in and of itself justice because you kill that person then they won't destroy other lives again!. For those genuinely wronged, to seek revenge against someone who is obviously a nasty person, stops that nasty person from harming other people!.

Both Arabs and Jews for example, are self important, and arrogant!. As long as they are killing each other, God has prevented them from harming the rest of the world with their propensity for lying, their incessant scheming, and duplicitous nature that would make even white americans blush!. White people of America are notoriously duplicitious, and the white person in general, has earned a reputation the world over for duplicity!. Now no one trusts you!. Bad as whites are though, both, Arabs and Jews, are far far worse!. You could say, that in the case of Arabs and Jews revenge is a good thing because as long as they are at each other's throats, they won't be lying, cheating, and harming other parts of the world!.

Regarding your question it really depends; again, my apologies to the other posters if what they meant, was an unjust, arrogantly proud person seeking revenge!. If that is who they were talking about then, sorry!. Genuinely wronged people though, you have to feel bad for them!.

The reason the bible teaches to let it go, is because nine times out of 10 the person who wronged you is too powerful, too connected, too influential for you to EVER see any justice as far as this earth is concerned because this earth is inherently evil, and as being inherently evil, because people are evil, evil people band together to protect one another, that way they can inflict more and more harm!. Because you are unlikely to ever see justice, all you can do is leave it god's hands!. What is the point of holding a grudge, for example, against a race of people who could wipe out with a nuclear arsenal!? I mean, they're obviously not scared of you!. You can threaten all you like, and all they will do is laugh maliciously at you, and because your anger is powerless to have any vent of any kind, the grudge, and the need for revenge, destroys you, not them!.

Problem is, you treat enough people that way and sooner or later, you piss off the wrong person!. Sooner or later someone will get you!. That is why common courtesy and respect are so important; no one in the world will wish to harm the Chinese, because everywhere they go, they make it a point to be nice, respectful people, respectful of everyone, and they don't bother anyone!. You won't see any skyscrapers in Beijing being blown up now will you!? You won't see it, because most of the women are not sadistic bitches, most of the men are not arrogant sadistic bullies and most of the world really sees no reason to hate them, the only country that is pissed at them is Tibet, and for very good reasons!.

Even the invasion of Tibet though, while the violence was not, the invasion was justified!. Why is this!? Mao Zedong, was a philosopher who looked to the long term!. He never thought as far as immediate history; he always thought of China as "400 years from now!." Remember that China has a long history, so its smartest leaders have always thought in large time scales as opposed to short ones!. The invasion of Tibet, was the hope that one day technology would be created that would reclaim that desert!. With those newly fertile lands, both Tibetans and Chinese could then share it!. That only Mao Zedong, and philosophers could see it, that is everyone else's problem!. Tibet, is indeed seemingly worthless!.

No strategic value, no fertile lands to speak of and Tibetans constantly ask "why then!?" The reason is, China wanted the Gobi, or at least Mao did!. Mao Zedong had several reasons to take it; to establish the superiority of communism over religion, in that way, suppress any Buddhist uprising in China itself, while at the same time, gaining the gobi as territory so that one day technology would exist to reclaim it, thinking in the long term!.

Thus even at their VERY WORST, the Chinese have not been as bad as the west!. Regarding the tienamen massacre and all the like, and least, unlike westerners, they were kind enough to keep those atrocities to themselves, and at home, and to their own people, rather than inflict them others and then call those others "inferior!." Not that any murder is justified but I think my point is stated!.

The point I am making is, some people are evil, and those they wronged, if its within their power to take revenge against them I say go for it!. Evil people, I'm sorry but, they need to be punished!. The harm they inflict on others can have lifelong repercusions, sometimes even extending generations!. Indeed, Africa and Latin America STILL haven't fully recovered from the evil done to them by Europe!. Neither has the Arab world actually!. China and India have only recently picked up the pieces and the only reason Japan is rich, is because their Samurai beheaded any Europeans with colonialist interests in the country, and told the portuguese, "we'll do business with you, but keep your soldiers in your lands, because if they touch this soil we will cut off their heads!." The result of Japan's hostility towards westerners 500 years ago ensured that the people would not become extinct, or live in grinding misery!. Despite their defeat in WWII, at least they had a long history, a strong sense of national pride strong enough to survive that defeat, bounce back, and prosper again, thanks in large part to the Samurai who defended them against European colonialists!. The Japanese do indeed, owe their very lives to the Samurai!.

Grudge holders, I sympathize with them, reason being, such a person has a strong sense of justice they felt was violated!. Revenge seekers, depends on the situation, and who they are, and why they want revenge!. An examWww@QuestionHome@Com

It's such a waste of time that I prefer just to avoid people like that!. They aren't worth my time and energy!. Let them stew in it!.

Eventually they will learn, or maybe they won't!. But to be caught up in that type of feeling continually about what someone may have done is a combination of tragic and pathetic!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

They're wasting their energy on non productive things!.

They should let go of their grudge and not seek revenge!.

There is a thing called karma, so move on and let the Universe take course!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Let it go!.All things must come to an end, and I would rather end it before it ends me!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

~They REALLY tick me off and I'm going to get even with every single one of them!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If everyone took an eye for an eye, we would all be blind!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Waste of time and energy!.Www@QuestionHome@Com