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Position:Home>Philosophy> Is there a such thing as causality?

Question: Is there a such thing as causality!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Casualties are the result of causalities!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

To exist is to exist as something; that is, all existent things have identities!. They have natures!. Given certain conditions, it will be the nature of something to react in a specific way!. If the conditions are always replicated, the reaction will always be the same!.

Whether or not we properly understand the full extent of the causal event is a different story!. Somebody posted above about rats dying of poison inside a cage!. That's a limit of the understanding causal events, not an argument against causality itself!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It comes down to the deep philosophical question what is time and why one event follows another and whether it really does or only seems that way!. From a scientific point of view space time is a sort of permanent illusion (one that remains when one knows is a illusion) and in some cases the event may precede the cause (think closed time loops and things that could occur at the quantum and Plank levels!.) Given that, the question is, do particular events occur in sequence where one event effects another but is not affected by the other and can we determine causality if we have to ignore the apparent arrow of time!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

A man sits in a cave!. He looks out and sees a cat run by the cave opening!.

A few seconds later a dog runs past the opening!.

"Aha!" says the man!. "Cats cause dogs"

Moral: Causality exists in our brains(See the phhilosoper Kant)!. In the real world, it's much harder to prove causality!.

To draw scientific conclusions you need control group, labatory conditions!.!.!. and even then it's difficult because of external validity problems!. Did the rat die from the poison, or did the rat die from the posion and the fact it's trapped in cage!. Ie: would the rat survive the poison in the wild!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

To people who think its "casualty", no, causality is correct!.

Causality (but not causation) denotes a necessary relationship between one event (called cause) and another event (called effect) which is the direct consequence (result) of the first!.

Yes, there is!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


It appears so, yes!. However that doesn't mean that it always works in the way we expect it to work!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

u mean casualty!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

u mean casualty!?Www@QuestionHome@Com