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Position:Home>Philosophy> Do humans find themselves in Solitude or Socialization?

Question: Do humans find themselves in Solitude or Socialization!?
Humans are social beings!. For the past few years, I've enjoyed being highly sociable and I believe I have found myself!. I am confident of who I am and I don't give a **** if people may think less of me!. However, I've been in a situation where I've spent the last few days alone!. I had a breakdown and had a 1 day depression yesterday!. I realized that lost my ability to be alone!. Philosophers say that humans beings reflect and become wiser when they are alone!. My experience shows that I found myself through Social Interaction!. Thus, my question is: Did I find my true self through "society" or is that only a misperception and my true self is only found when I'm alone!? Or should there be an equilibrium between ALONE time and SOCIAL time and I should be able to enjoy both in order to truly know myself!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Sartre believed that to be a human is to be a being-for-itself!. Meaning that at our essence we are beings that are free to create our own concept of our self!. Contrary to a being-for-itself is a being-in-itself!. When one becomes a being-in-itself one lets others rob them of their freedom to create their own essence!.

Therefore, if while one is in society they let others rob them of their essence; it is not likely that that person truly found themselves through others!. Although, at the same time one can find ones-self through others; if it is through others that that person realizes that their concept of their self is something other than what others expect it to be!. However, another way to truly find ones-self is through solitude (or without any outside influence from others)!. It is then that one truly can say that they found their true concept of self!.

I also think that there is an equilibrium between being in solitude and being in society involved when it comes to finding ones-self, but it is not necessary!. When we go into society (assuming that we are beings-for-ourselves), we can enjoy the fact that there are different types of people other than ourselves, and it is this that that makes it so we are able to be the type of person which we are!. However, if we were to always remain in solitude, then it is possible that it would be hard to enjoy knowing ones-self, since there would be no one to compare ones-self to (if that’s a problem)!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

A little bit of both, and people vary as to which they need more!.

As to which is the "real" you!.!.!.

I'm still working on that!. I used to think that it was the face I showed myself when I was alone!.!.!.

But recently I've come to wonder if the face we show ourselves when we're alone isn't just the face we most want to see!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

both we find out who we are with and without people!. it is good to know who we are without direct outside influence but we also should know the type of person we are when it comes to social interaction!. a person should know more about themselves than most people or they will never have control over themselves completely!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Perhaps there are less distractions to finding ourselves in Solitude, but Socialisation can provide different input (observations, suggestions, criticism) that can be useful when we seek to find ourselves, leading to insights/experiences we may not have otherwise had!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Good question actually I feel we as humans need a little of both time to be social and time to reflect, so yes I say both is good nourishment for body and soul!Www@QuestionHome@Com

You cant have one without the other!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I am anti social!. An only child!. I struggle to find any good in people!. Most conversations are vain and without substance!. I feel sensitive!. I can tell what people think by body language and find people to be shallow, boring, easily manipulated with big egos and materialistic priorities!. I wish I could survive without people!. I live in new york> long island and wish to move upstate!. Friends!. You don;t know who they are until the chips are down!. And then you see who is true and who is just a fair weather friend!. Everyone is just trying to feel good about them selves so they surround themselves with more egos!. Look at me look at me!. That is what we all want attention!. A pat on the back!. recognition!. Yes you do exist!. The ability to be alone!. Wow!. I need the ability to dumb myself down just to look at these people with their cell phones talking about nonsense!. I use to socialize but now its redundant!. Same old same old!. to me socializing is going to a party and trying meet someone and now I have someone and all my friends are married or something and every now and then its nice!. After a few ours I need to get out of there!. There is no true self self is an illusion from your ego!. I really don't feel like getting into it find my answer to the question about the most profound thing I have learned I answered before!. Self is an illusion!. Ego!. E=Mc2!.Www@QuestionHome@Com