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Position:Home>Philosophy> In your opinion-what is responsible for the demise of society?

Question: In your opinion-what is responsible for the demise of society!?
lack of self esteem!?

lay it out there!.

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Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Liberalism once stood for something good, noble and progressive!. Now it stands for the perverse!. There is a "what's in it for me" attitude, "I can have it all" way of thinking, and a selfish lack of accountability!. Throw in a "keep up with the Jones'" and a total denial of absolute morality and values, and you have our dysfunctional society!.

"The last virtue a society possesses before it goes under is tolerance"

The family is the most fundamental unit for a safe and stable society, but the destruction of the family by the cavalier attitudes toward divorce and sex has taken its toll!. It all starts at home!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Lack of values, ambition!.
No one does something for nothing!.
It`s like if people weren`t accquainted that therès a spiritual life, ant that spirit is part of the human being, we are not matter, only, in consequence, nowadays people only values or appreciatte whatever he/she can touch, and is eager and longing for material things, MONEY!!! the more money they have, the more goods and possessions they can have!. And that way man has reduced to a tiny expression the great honor of being a human being created by God !. Where , in what part of man`s self is Love, love with capital letters, like helping the poor, taking care of the sick, having what you really need, and avoiding buying everything you like just for buying, cause you don`t need it!. etc,etc!.
In one sentence!. Human beings have forgotten God and living according to His Will!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i would say its parents!.However, they are not a lone, in fact it involves all those you have listed,because its a communication problem!.
Any problem that crops up in society always begins at home/family, because a family is the source/origin/stem of society, meaning, its parents since they are in charge of the up bringing of future citizens!.

One addition could also be history and environment!. But all comes down to parents!.though its wrong to put blame on someone for your wrong doing!.
Thanks for asking!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Everyone is responsible; however, there are
external sources!.!.such as the Media, individual/
corporate greed, the corruptions in the Justice
Systems/Government, the way pupils are indoctrinated
and programmed, the way that people have become
so selfish, unsympathetic and desensitized; which all
contribute to the downward spirals that this generation/
society has succumbed to as no one seems to care whether
or not they even leave a world fit to live in behind for the next generations which follow!.
I could really lay it out there but many people THINK that the problem will either go away on its own and correct itself; or they FEEL that the problem is not their own!. Just as long as it doesn't show up at their doorsteps then they are content
with the way things are!.!.but what people refuse to face today will come back to haunt them exponentially tomorrow!.
That's my take on the matter; astonishing/brilliant question!!


The obvious demise of any society is education!. When people stop thinking for themselves, they turn to a "helping hand"!. The bad part of this is, dumb people do not value education and put no emphasis on learning for their children!. This in turn is a vicious cycle!.

Until people start taking responsibility for THEMSELVES, nothing will ever change!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think it's moral corruption in people who do "good works" well having no love for others, like a pretentious, false kind of righteusness!. Social bias I think is a big factor in why people choose to have pre-marital sex, cheat on their partners, renounce their marriage vows, it all comes down to that they were taught by society that this behavior is correct!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

nearly EVERY major problem on earth stems from the descisions made by a person!.


the list goes on and on!.

the problem lies inside humanity!.

we are dirty insideWww@QuestionHome@Com

The people themselves are responsible mainly and the media,parents etc are only excuses for blaming others!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


For American Society: George BushWww@QuestionHome@Com

Lack of self dicipline!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

everyone in this worldWww@QuestionHome@Com

Cultures are progressive in nature aways reaching for ever higher values with in roads by the lower values which run there course until by their seeds of distruction bring them to their end through the law of cause and effect!.

The mechanistic naturalism of some supposedly educated men and the thoughtless secularism of the man in the street are both exclusively concerned with things; they are barren of all real values, sanctions, and satisfactions of a spiritual nature, as well as being devoid of faith, hope, and eternal assurances!. One of the great troubles with our life is that man thinks he is too busy to find time for spiritual meditation and religious devotion!.

But even after materialism and mechanism have been more or less vanquished, the devastating influence of twentieth-century secularism will still blight the spiritual experience of millions of unsuspecting souls!.

Modern secularism has been fostered by two world-wide influences!. The father of secularism was the narrow-minded and godless attitude of nineteenth- and twentieth-century so-called science--atheistic science!. The mother of modern secularism was the totalitarian medieval Christian church!. Secularism had its inception as a rising protest against the almost complete domination of Western civilization by the institutionalized Christian church!.

It required a great power, a mighty influence, to free the thinking and living of the Western peoples from the withering grasp of a totalitarian ecclesiastical domination!. Secularism did break the bonds of church control, and now in turn it threatens to establish a new and godless type of mastery over the hearts and minds of man kind!. The tyrannical and dictatorial political state is the direct offspring of scientific materialism and philosophic secularism!. Secularism no sooner frees us from the domination of the institutionalized church than it sells us into slavish bondage to the totalitarian state!. Secularism frees us from ecclesiastical slavery only to betray us into the tyranny of political and economic slavery!.

Materialism denies God, secularism simply ignores him; at least that was the earlier attitude!. More recently, secularism has assumed a more militant attitude, assuming to take the place of the religion whose totalitarian bondage it onetime resisted!. Twentieth-century secularism tends to affirm that we do not need God!. But beware! this godless philosophy of human society will lead only to unrest, animosity, unhappiness, war, and world-wide disaster!.

Secularism can never bring peace to mankind!. Nothing can take the place of God in human society!. But mark you well! do not be quick to surrender the beneficent gains of the secular revolt from ecclesiastical totalitarianism!. Western civilization today enjoys many liberties and satisfactions as a result of the secular revolt!. The great mistake of secularism was this:
In revolting against the almost total control of life by religious authority, and after attaining the liberation from such ecclesiastical tyranny, the secularists went on to institute a revolt against God himself, sometimes tacitly and sometimes openly!.
But secularism is not the sole parent of all these recent gains in the enlargement of living!. Behind the gains of the twentieth century are not only science and secularism but also the unrecognized and unacknowledged spiritual workings of the life and teaching of Jesus of Nazareth!.

Without God, without religion, scientific secularism can never co-ordinate its forces, harmonize its divergent and rivalrous interests, races, and nationalisms!. This secularistic human society, notwithstanding its unparalleled materialistic achievement, is slowly disintegrating!. The chief cohesive force resisting this disintegration of antagonism is nationalism!. And nationalism is the chief barrier to world peace!.

The inherent weakness of secularism is that it discards ethics and religion for politics and power!. You simply cannot establish the brotherhood of men while ignoring or denying the fatherhood of God!.

The complete secularization of science, education, industry, and society can lead only to disaster!. During the first third of the twentieth century we killed more human beings than were killed during the whole of the Christian dispensation up to our time!. And this is only the beginning of the dire harvest of materialism and secularism; still more terrible destruction is yet to come!.

But paganized and socialized Christianity stands in need of new contact with the uncompromised teachings of Jesus; it languishes for lack of a new vision of the Master's life on earth!. A new and fuller revelation of the religion of Jesus is destined to conquer an empire of materialistic secularism and to overthrow a world sway of mechanistic naturalism!. Our Planet is now quivering on the very brink of one of its most amazing and enthralling epochs of social readjustment, moral quickening, and spiritual enlightenment!.
The teachings of Jesus, even though greatly modified, survived the mystery cults of their birthtime, the ignorance and superstition of the dark ages, and are even now slowly triumphing over the materialism, mechanism, and secularism of the twentieth century!. And such times of great testing and threatened defeat are always times of great revelation!.Www@QuestionHome@Com