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Position:Home>Philosophy> Name + meaning of 5 crosses...?

Question: Name + meaning of 5 crosses!.!.!.!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The first second and fifth crosses are I think crosses used by the knights templar during the crusades!.

The third cross is called the greek cross!.

The fourth is st!. John's cross, used today as a sign for some hospitals!.

Hope this helped!Www@QuestionHome@Com



eye in our eye
in our eye
eye near eye

aqua our eye us
alpha quarry us

the hounds that once tore at the flesh became the guardians of the Spirit Heart Temple

quarry Middle English querre, entrails of a deer given to hounds as a reward, from Old French cuiriee, alteration (influenced by cuir, skin) of coree, from Vulgar Latin *corāta, viscera, from Latin cor, heart; see kerd- in Indo-European roots!.]
