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Position:Home>Philosophy> Meditation, awareness and the discovery of the true nature of existence.......?

Question: Meditation, awareness and the discovery of the true nature of existence!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!?
My question is if meditation has to do with creating awareness of ones true nature and that of existence, if this correct,
Than why should our everyday reality be fake, and our true reality hidden!?
And how can one know this IS ones true self and the nature of existence, and not some form of self delusion or creativity!?

Could this not simply be an attitude on adopts to cope with life easier and not be the ultimate truth to life!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
tough question and my answer may not satisfy, but i will try nonetheless!.

meditation has many functions, not necessary to for discovery of existence!.

true awareness is not created!. more accurate is discovery or realized or debris discarded!. reality is hidden because you have piled a lot of stuff to cover it knowingly or unknowingly!. it's like wearing a red T-shirt!. you appear red and cover up the white skin underneath!. philosophically, i do not know why we are all wearing clothes, i just know we do!.

material reality is more like naive realism!. first, how do you define real!? is a dream real!? reality real!? or do you say the dream is real, and when you wake up that's when you are self delusional!? suppose you live in your dream and never wake up, how would you know you were in a dream all along!?

fake is not a good word!. think of it this way: what distinction do you make between a dream and material reality!? if you say a dream is real and material existence is real also, perhaps it's more accurate to say a shift in consciousness or perception!.

the distinction is different for different people!. for most people, a dream is not real and material reality is real for a variety of reasons!. for me, if i compare a dream and material reality, a dream has less sensation, more vague, missing elements, lack of life, less impressionable compare to material reality!. based on those definitions and distinction, i say material reality is real and a dream is a figment of imagination!.

spiritual reality or true nature of existence to material reality is analogous to material reality to a dream!. there could be yet another layer beyond spirituality ad infintium, that i do not know!. dream created by the mind; mind created by awareness!.

spiritual reality supersedes anything by the mind!. meaning that there is nothing like spiritual reality that can be found in material reality, including reasoning, logic, religious texts in literal meaning!. there are signs and studies that hints the way, but is not it!. the best way to describe spiritual reality is ineffable, and even then it is very lacking!. as to answer to your last question, i'm highly doubtful that you are right based on my experiences!.

i was 100% atheist, raise 100% in science and taught as such and live a very comfortable life, lived in different parts of the world and traveled to many places!. i consider myself creative and intelligent having been describe so, having IQ over 130, spend spare time learning among giants in history, read or watch sci-fi and fantasy at times!. i use to think like you do and held science as holy grail until one night!. i cannot say spiritual reality is the ultimate truth, however i can say after my experience, there is no way i could come up with what i experience given infinite time and resources and highly doubtful any man can do it!. the experience is not just beyond anything i saw, felt, knew before, or experienced, it is beyond everything including the mind, thoughts, logic, language, imagination, abstract concepts, infinite doesn't even come close, anything i know of!. others have reported similar!. you be the judge, i've left out interpretations as much as i can, left only the original first-hand facts!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


You have found the soft underbelly, the fallacy, in the theory that discovery of a "true" nature of existence must be found in the "enlightened" methods of meditation!. It is the dirty little secret that "enlightened" people don't want you to know!.

Such "enlightenment" means an abandonment of Reason!. Reason led to what we in the West call The Enlightenment, which was roughly the period of the 18th century!. It had nothing to do with "meditation" in the manner that Eastern philosophy and gurus and mystics would want you to embrace!.

Do you think that Hume and Locke and Bacon and Paine and Jefferson and Diderot and Montesquieu and Rousseau and others were not "Enlightened"!? It was their ideas that gave the world the first democracy based on the "true nature" of the human condition: that it must be free of coercion to be what it can become!.

Those men did not abandon religion, either, despite their insistence on science and its methods to discover the "nature of nature!." As a matter of fact, many of them were Deists, some of the most ardent defenders of God who ever lived!.

They did not sit around with their legs crossed, humming "ommmmmmm" or smelling incense or searching for Nirvana!. That is not to say they did not read and write and think and debate!. Such are the methods of finding what is true among men!.

So, when you ask , "why should our everyday reality be fake, and our true reality hidden!?", you have found the crack in the theory of their irrationality!. Try reading Kant and you will discover just how irrational is the method of trying to tell you that "true reality" is hidden: Kant calls it "noumenal!." "Noumenal" means you can never EVER know it, because it is that deeply hidden from "flawed" humans!.

Good for you for discovering their flaw!.Www@QuestionHome@Com