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Position:Home>Philosophy> If ignorance is bliss, why do we learn?

Question: If ignorance is bliss, why do we learn!?
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We learn because of the ever dominating force of human nature: curiosity!. Isn't it ironic that you only LEARN that ignorance is bliss ofter you have been alive long enough to be deprived of that bliss!? True ignorance would mean being unaware that you are blissful, meaning that you are unaware of what you ruin the minute you learn something; strange, isn't it!? Of course, we never really are ignorant of everything, because God puts knowledge of himself into every person!.

"If ignorance if bliss, why aren't there more happy people!?"---AnonymousWww@QuestionHome@Com

Like most paradoxical adages this one appears to be contradictory to common human understating of knowing where knowledge have proven to beneficial and for the good of human life, but this paradoxical contradiction has its purpose that is to intrigue the mind into thinking more loudly and vividly!.

I would say that ignorance is bliss indeed when we have saved ourselves from the bother of too much of knowledge, when we have managed to do ell without becoming too aware or sensitive about certain matter of the mind!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Let's define our terms a bit first, neh!? Ignorance is just not knowing something!. Bliss is a kind of outward-turned goodwill!. Being kind, merciful, and sympathetic!.

So what this saying is suggesting is that only if you don't know about other people can you wish them well!. If, on the other hand, you are fully appraised of their pettiness, cruelty, foolishness, and fickness, it becomes hard to do anything but despise them!.

Or, as Sartre put it, "Hell is other people!."

It's not learning that is bad!. Pretty much nobody wants to go back to living like a caveman (or they would and we'd never hear from them again)!. But by the same token many people are much happier not knowing about the foibles of their neighbors simply because they know that they have to have some kind of amicable relations with them in the future!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The saying "ignorance is bliss' is just a trite saying that does apply to specific circumstances and is frequently preceeded by "In this case!." For example, a husband has a one night stand and never has another!. One might say that for the wife ignorance is bliss!. No one really believes that ignorance, as in the absence of learning, is bliss!. We couldn't function or move forward!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

There is some threshold, a boundary of knowledge that is perhaps unique in all of us, and once it's been breached, one sees the inadequacies of the world and the bad nature of people, one tries to gain adavantage through knowledge,and tries to supplant others through the same vice!. This foundation on which our desire for knowledge is acquired through educational institutions, and older people who have already reached that threshold!. "Ignorance is bliss" is no longer relevant to them!. A child or adolesent cannot comprehend the complexity of ignorance is bliss, not even the ignorant ones, because nothing in society seems to point to the fact!. Civilized society has replaced the survival of the fittest with the survival of the most intelligent, and, at an early age, any rougher, rawer tendancies are suppressed!. Meanwhile, a child's curious nature is encouraged to the fullest!. This is because ignorance is seenby humanity to lead to conflict, thus,we try, conciously through our institutions, to enlighten people!.

So if the elite are enlightened, and a band of society is ignorant, where's the problem in gaining "bliss" (lets face it, it means happiness) through that!? It poses a problem in that ignorant people are frequently mocked by society for not knowing things that to other people, are considered elementary!. We're constantly in a race to try and avoid this scorn and maintain our position as, externally, an intellectual character, in order to avoid embarrassment or scrutiny!. But ignorance can be defined in different ways according to a person's standing in society or social interactions!. By which I mean, it sometimes depends on who you're trying to impress - a group of racing enthusiasts might be ignorant to a country's politics, but that doesn't matter to them!. This isn't ignorance equalling bliss, it's merely a different kind of knowledge they find satisfaction from!. I believe there are very few people in society who genuinely adhere to the principle of ignorance being bliss!.

I'll accept though that, sometimes, it's necessary to turn a blind eye to something in order to keep one's opinion positive!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Ignorance is bliss because it keeps you in a state of Waking Sleep!. You know how great it is to sleep!. But isn't it great to stop all the dream and then finally get to reality!. Anyways what we learn today in schools isn't exactly what we SHOULD be learning!. We SHOULD be learning about the Universal Laws, Masters and Beings of Light, Self-Help, and so many other non-religious things that would greatly help our lives rather than "math"!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

By learning it means learning the ways of the world, the negative and manipulative ways that make the world go around!. Bliss is not knowing these things and keeping the positiveness with which you were born, ignorance as in not knowing the negativities!.

For me that is the meaning!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

There is ignorance and there is ignorance!. Ignorance of Divinity (the One and Only God or Allah subhana wa ta'ala) is hell!.
Ignorance that is childhood innocence might be bliss but ignorance as an adult is not bliss!. For we need to be aware of the pitfalls so we can go back home to our source, insha'Allah!.
There is learning and there is learning!. Valuable learning is what takes us back home to our source!.!.!.!.!.our divine breath we have been blessed with going back to its source (Allah subhana wa ta'ala)!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

because knowledge is power!. so the more we learn, the more we control, the more we control, the more happier we can make our surroundings, & thus ourselves!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i always thought of that phrase as ironic in that ignorance is bliss only because you don't know any betterWww@QuestionHome@Com

we learn since day one we cant help learning new things even nif we dont want to if not we wouldnt accomplish anything dont you think!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

In hindsight ignorance is not bliss at all but just ignorance!.

Bliss needs more than a little effort!Www@QuestionHome@Com

so we can then fully understand the statement of 'ignorance is bliss'Www@QuestionHome@Com

because mind is so interesting, so flashy, so much fun to play with!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

because it is better to be the disallusioned socrates than the happy foolWww@QuestionHome@Com

Curiosity is a powerful thing!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Bliss gets boring!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

to learn how much ignorant are we!.Www@QuestionHome@Com