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Position:Home>Philosophy> Is it possible that we collectively shape our reality?

Question: Is it possible that we collectively shape our reality!?
As abstract and absurd as this must sound, is it possible that the 'status quo' of our unconscious minds, collectively, may shape our reality!? This is almost a form of solipsism, but not self-oriented!. Is there a known school of thought for this!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Yes!. The field of reality in which each individual consciousness is embedded, is responsive to the contents of consciousness individually and en masse!. Reality is not just the 'status quo' of our unconscious minds, but of all aspects of consciousness!.

Our own experience of reality holographically mirrors our subconscious beliefs about self and the world that are programmed 'primarily' through intense defining moments in early childhood!. This conditioned ego identity is a defensive system that controls perception, feelings, thoughts and reactions until it is examined and discarded!.

At that point (called enlightenment or metanoia) reality conforms to the authentic Self and its passion and purpose!. This is achievable as a psychological state through acquiring Self knowledge!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

This is completey possible!. So possible that it happens today!. The way we instantly accept situations seen on the news stations!. The way gossip about celebrities and friends!. We do it unconsciously but nonetheless we do it!. Today we have ways to regain that power with such literature!. Metaphysics, Esoteric, Self-Help!. Those three and more will help you gain control over that mental power that you and the rest of our society gives away!. "The Secret" by Rhonda Byrne is the latest and "hippest" book that talks a lot about this but more so personal!. However when you continue research you will quickly find how it is that society connects itself to create the reality that we live today!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't know what is possible but I do know that the same reality has different interpretations!. If I say to someone when I am working "beautiful day!" although it is the same day that I am experiencing physically the responses can vary considerably!.
"its gorgeous!!.!.!.It is probably going to rain later!.!.!.if the wind stops!.!.!.its not bad!.!.!.yesterday was terrible!.!.!.not as good as yesterday!.!.!.they say there's a storm coming later!.!.!.etc etc!.
I know thats not your question but I think what we perceive shapes our reality!. I don't even own a key to my front door and leave my windows open when I go out and I have never been broken into (or if I have been they must have not found anything worth taking!) but people all around have huge security screens and always lock up tightly and they seem to get broken into all the time!. It seems that we can create fertile ground for our innermost desires, beliefs, fears etc to sprout!. Now collectively!? Sorry I will have to just go back to "I don't know"!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I do not see any other option, here!.!.!.there is another reality you , yourself shaped individually!.!.It is your personal self oriented realities within collective one!.!.!.notice collective reality only relates to your personal realities but survival of your personal reality deeply depend on collective one!.!.!.!.!.!.And if you drop that dependency just in search of freedom, knowing that freedom is not a dependency,then you will be in a conflict with collective reality!.!.!.!.and collective one appear to be stronger!.!.!.just appear and if you believe in that appearance it will eat you up in a very brutal way!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i think it is very possible!.!.!.talk to ten people !.!.!.you never get the same answer or view of things!.!.!.!.!.you are right!. in my thoughts it has to do with spirit!. spirit has no face is not connected to ego or body!.Www@QuestionHome@Com