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Position:Home>Philosophy> Does it bother you to know?

Question: Does it bother you to know!?
that when you die, you may have left some things that you would rather not have any one see/know about you!. I have journals that i use to help me in life but if i were to die today i would not want my family and friends to read them!.and there are objects!.!.!.media i use for pleasure!.!.!.etc!.!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

Solution: don't keep secrets!.

No, seriously!. These things seem like a big deal to you now, but I wager that if you shared them with people who cared about you, then you would discover that they are not so monumental as they might seem!.

Your family or friends may agree with your assessments of them and might even appreciate you calling them out on things!. Perhaps they'll show you the media they use for pleasure and you'll get some good ideas!. You really might be surprised!.

Nor is it like you need to open up to EVERYONE!. There really are people who don't want to know and prefer living in their illusionary world!. But if you don't have at least one person who is so close to you that you can't bring up all this stuff (and have that one person clean up your stuff if you die without plans)!.!.!. if you don't have that one person I would recommend you concentrate on THAT first, neh!?

Who needs the weight of all those secrets!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

That doesn't bother me!. I would rather them know the truth than a lie; it could help them to miss me less!. In a way it's hard to explain because there is stuff I don't want anyone to know right now but after I die I want them to know everything!. I have a few journals as well that I have used to help get me threw some hard times!. I would die if my parent’s friends were to fine them and read them before I died!. The reason for this is that after I die I wouldn't be there so they deserve the truth about how I felt and what have you but while I'm alive I want to deal with my problems on my own!. They have enough to worry about and their own problems to deal with!. Once I'm dead there is nothing they can do about it so they shouldn't worry about it, though they probably will!. The point is i don't want to add to there problems now however once I'm dead then it becomes there own problem with how they can react to what ever they fine!. Meaning it's there own choice to read my journals or not if they do then they learn the truth and I'm fine with that for that reason!. Once I die it really isn't mine any more and i will have no use for it!.

If you real don't want them to fine the stuff after you die and it bothers you that much get ride of it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

In a way it does, but then again, I would be dead!. People are going to judge me even harsher when I am dead because I am not around to defend myself, so I personally would not care about it!. I mean I would prefer to be buried with that kind of stuff, however if I feel like certain things in my life were no big deal or I do not regret certain things that others would regret I would leave personal stuff right here on this earth!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'd like to think I'd get a bit of warning before I pop my clogs so I could get my house in some kind of order!.

I've thought about it too but then I came to the conclusion that we all have personal things we'd be embarrassed for other people to find whatever those 'things' might be!

I've kept journals on and off for years now and sometimes I cringe when I read some of the things I've written in the past!.

However, we are our biggest critics so if we can handle it I am sure others can!.

Your private thoughts are kind of a nice thing to hand down to your loved ones!. You say they have helped you in your life - maybe they could help someone else too!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

I have joked that I wanted 4 funerals, so that my friends don't have to suffer through my family and my co-workers don't have to suffer through my friends and then there are the ones that shouldn't see the light of day!.!.!.

!.!.!.all my "post death" issues are PEOPLE!. So I can't very well burn THEM before I die!. They'll just have to deal!. Or maybe 4 different funerals would be fun!.

File under: Not My Problem!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well!.!.!. you know, I see it like this;

Everyone has dirty stuff, and somebody finding it after you're deceased really isn't that big a deal!. However, for whatever reason, you may not want to have your reputation tarnished!. If this is the case, perhaps keep your belongings that you don't want people to know about with a very close friend!. But, eventually it will come out anyway!. It's a part of the human condition!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I believe that there are some things that are neccesary for ur parents to know!. Maybe u don't need to tell them now, but when ur ready!. If its too late, then i think theyd feel bad for raising a child they didn't really know!. If it's something that is really severe, they might live the rest of their life with guilt!. It's good that you write, it shows that u are taking the time to understand urself better, instead of thinking about it before you go to bed (like i do:) )!.
And you shouldn't worry, i do believe its a parents job to be prepared to know anything and in all cases, they should be supportive and help you out!. I hope that what's in your journals isn't thoughts of suicide, people who are at that risk think they know whats best for them, but TRUST me, they secretly are asking for help!. If it's something your ashamed of, and youre afraid of what others may think of you, like your friends, only TRUE friends will understand and still appreciate you for who u r!. if your friends defy you, then u've been hangn with the wrong crowd man!.
But if you keep these things from everybody around you forever, ur gonna feel at times out of place!. My friend was a bisexual and she didn't tell me for a very long time, and i'd joke around about people like her, and she'd get really offended!.!.!.it was hard to figure her out you know b/c i was thinking she was getting defensive of her gay guy friend!. But anyway, she seems less stiffer now, and u know, i kind of felt betrayed that she held something like that from me!. so the sooner the better!. It's better to talk than to hide a guilty heart!. And keeping your true feelings locked in and waiting until you die is only an easy way out, that's weak!. You only live once, obviously, so don't be living a lie!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

yes I'd rush and hurry to organise and plan my life away!. Learning to understand that what we come here to learn can be taught in the spiritual world!. Our lifes work is not over and that means whenever we die!. So apparently no need to hurry then!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

no, because if i wanted someone to know i would tell someone also the only thing that bothers me is that you never know when you die so i guess you are very smart for having journals but i worry that when i die who will come to my funeral if anybodyWww@QuestionHome@Com

I've always heard that what you do in secret is who you really are!. If you don't like what you read, you can always change your behavior!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's a good idea not to have anything written down that you don't want others to see!. As for the other stuff, dump that too!. Do you want your last thoughts in an ambulance to be worrying about that!? Just my opinion!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

my diary is ecret so my family and friends don't even know I have one!. But if I were to die I would leave it because I want them to know how much pain I have suffered because of them!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If you wish others not to know you've done it don't do it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It doesn't really matter when you're dead!. I worry more about where I'll go and what I've forgotten to do!.!.!.and how my family will be!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't think it matters!. We all will end up in the same place, where there is peace!. We will be forgiven!. :DWww@QuestionHome@Com